RCCI’s Learning Communities

What is a Race & Christian Community Initiative Cohort at EGC?

Cohorts are communities where Christians can learn about racism from a biblical perspective and develop the capacity to respond to it as an outworking of their faith. Our current cohorts are designed for White leaders shaped by the evangelical tradition, and aim to create a space where they can come together to learn about and do the self-work needed to engage issues related to race more effectively. RCCI understands leadership broadly and welcomes formal and informal leadership alike. 

Cohorts are six-month commitments through which people examine and respond to the ways racism impacts ourselves, our society, our Christian communities, and faith. They are run in a seminar-style format for small groups of 6-8 people and utilize various methods, including engaging books and media, guest speakers, discussion, spiritual disciplines, creative exercises, and field trips. Cohorts value experiential and peer learning and aim to get beyond an intellectual understanding of race by engaging the whole person in mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

At the end of each cohort, participants go through an individual and communal discernment process regarding how they can take actions to contribute to the dismantling of racism in their sphere of influence. All alumni are also invited into RCCI’s action taking communities to receive ongoing resources to move from knowing and caring to action.

While we do not currently offer learning communities designed for BIPOC folks, we invite people of all races to sign up for our resource and events email list that spreads the word about learning and action opportunities hosted by organizations throughout Greater Boston.

Upcoming Cohorts

Our next cohort will be offered in fall 2024! Check back for more information. If you’d like to be notified when upcoming cohort details are announced, sign up to stay in the loop.

Cohorts are usually offered once a year for the general public and can be scheduled upon request for organizations.

If you are interested in having RCCI offer a customized cohort experience to your community or leadership team, please email mlietz@egc.org.


  • “My RCCI cohort group experience challenged  me to learn and think beyond what I thought I already knew or assumed I knew about race and culture. This is a humbling but important experience, for until I better understand the experiences of others and what has impacted those experiences I could not have seen how to be an ally and a contributor to a more equitable community, together.” - Chris

  • “My journey with my RCCI cohort has been informative and brought change to my understanding of race and its effects on our society.  It is very helpful to be a part of a group of sincere Christians who are open about their concerns and their desire to act as followers of Jesus in our society.  The information presented is enlightening, has broadened my understanding and has encouraged me to act.” - Carolyn

  • “I read the news differently, I listen differently, I look at and interact with people in crowds differently. I think about how I use my resources in a new way… I have a changed mindset and it affects everything." – Jeremy

  • “Although I have been on this journey a while, the opportunity to come along with others to reflect and discuss these important issues was invaluable. I was challenged and encouraged time and time again which causes me to be more motivated than ever to find ways to engage in these issues.” - Gena

  • “This cohort has been an invaluable experience. It has provided a safe space for me as a white person to ask the questions I've always wanted to ask and to intentionally think through how I become a better and better advocate for racial justice in the world with a group of people that I trust and that challenges me.”  - Jacquelin

  • “I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the RCCI group. I was able to think through some of my own assumptions, background, and blind spots regarding the experiences of my brothers and sisters [of color].  It was encouraging to be in a group where I could make mistakes and be at whatever stage of maturity I was at and still contribute to and benefit from the group.”  -Dorothy

  • "We deeply appreciated the emphasis on God's vision for reconciliation as a foundation on which to build greater understanding of race in our culture, our own biases, and God's desire for real healing between white communities and communities of color." - Scott & Shelton

  • “The cohort addressed layer upon layer of blinders resulting in self-evaluation, mindfulness and lament. . . .  The work of the cohort opened my eyes to non-white theologians and Christian perspectives that are culturally different than what I’m familiar with and so valuable to learn from and grow in seeing the fullness of God.”  - Linda

  • “The Holy Spirit used this cohort to give me a longing to walk through life with others who are not like me and see the richness that comes from such relationships and community.”  - Ann

  • “I have been blown away by how thoughtfully the RCCI Cohort is both planned and facilitated. The curriculum hits a great balance of teaching and reflection, and ultimately, I have felt discipled and cared for throughout this holy process. I would recommend to anyone who has the space!” - Nikki

We look forward to launching more cohort communities!
