Sermons & Workshops

Sunday Morning Ministry

Engaging issues related to race is deeply connected to Jesus’ vision of justice and righteousness for our communities. Be it the Bible’s teachings on loving our neighbor, Jew and Gentile relations, or Jesus’ reconciling work on the cross, God speaks abundantly about how believers are to continue God’s redemptive work across racial lines. Too often, however, churches are not teaching about how the Good News addresses today’s racial realities.

Invite RCCI to minister to your congregation through a sermon, Bible study or Sunday school session.

Examples of what RCCI has offered includes :

  • A Bible study on biblical justice and implications for congregational life and ministry.

  • A sermon preached out of Acts 10 on how our social and cultural conditioning can pose barriers to the in-breaking of the kingdom and principles for walking in God’s invitation to invest in the upside down kingdom of God.

  • A Sunday school session where RCCI Director, Megan Lietz, shares about her racial awareness journey and how it connects to her faith.

Sunday morning ministry engagements can be lightly customized to your community. They are offered in exchange for an honorarium and opportunity to share about RCCI.

All Sunday morning ministry is offered by RCCI’s Founding Director, Megan Lietz, MDiv., STM. To inquire about Sunday morning ministry, email

I didn’t see the church addressing racism...I got frustrated with my church only talking about justice after thought...[Race conversations] need to happen in the context of faith communities!
— Kristina


RCCI offers a series of introductory workshops and can customize workshops to meet the needs of your community. RCCI’s workshops are set apart by their biblical foundations and approach of speaking truth with love and grace.

[RCCI’s workshops] enabled me to more deeply hear and respond to God’s calling to actively engage in overcoming racism with love, in my own heart and life and in the social structures around me as a follower of Jesus.
— Pastor Jim

Workshop Descriptions:

Introductory workshops include…

  • Race & the Gospel: A Theological Framework for Race & Reconciliation - While racial reconciliation is often seen as a “liberal” or “political issue,” God’s Word reveals that, first and foremost, it is biblical issue. Join us to learn more about what God’s word says about racial reconciliation, how it fits into the biblical metanarrative of sin and redemption, and how it can function to spread the Good News to the world.

    -Keep an eye out for this workshop in an online, asynchronous format, available in 2025!-

  • Understanding Racism Today: How Good People can Contribute to the Problem without Awareness or Intent - When we compare our actions to the blatant racism of the past and present, it’s easy to think that we are not a part of the problem. The reality is that, because racism is a complex system that operates on multiple levels, we can still contribute to the problem without awareness or intent. Join us to develop a biblical framework of racism, expand our understanding of the problem, and hear examples of how it could be manifesting in the thoughts and actions of ourselves and our faith communities.

  • Living into Racial Reconciliation: Practical Steps for a Christ-like Response - So you know, you care, but your not sure what to do about it. Whether your just beginning to learn about racism or have been exploring this issue for a lifetime, RCCI offers numerous postures, entry points, action steps, and resources to equip you to dismantle racism as an expression of your faith.

  • The Water We Swim In: How Dominant Culture can Uphold Racial Inequality Part I & II

    • Part I: Much of racism’s power today comes from how it can influence our thinking, doing, and being without our awareness. Like a fish in water, it’s hard to see its influence in our lives. As followers of Christ, we need Jesus’ healing touch to give us eyes to see how the sin of racism has shaped us. This workshop focuses on how racism has shaped the dominant culture in the U.S., such that what one may feel is “normal” or even “natural” can function to uphold racial inequality today. Join us to explore how the history of racism in this country continues to influence our present as a first step toward working against racism.

    • Part II: The biblical metanarrative shows us that God set in motion the development of a multitude of cultures, that God meets humanity within our cultural contexts, and that our ethnicities, cultures, and languages will be present in the new heavens and new earth. But because of sin, some cultures have become dominant over others, resulting in hierarchy rather than the diversity of cultures in mutual partnership that God intended. In this workshop, we will explore how cultural dominance can function to uphold racial hierarchy, and how we can begin to create more inclusive and equitable communities where God’s people of all cultural backgrounds can flourish.

  • Power Dynamics in Multiracial Congregations - It's great to have people of different races worshipping together in the pews, but getting people in the room is just the beginning. Being in the same church doesn't mean that we have the same opportunities to express our true selves or fully participate in and shape the life of the congregation. Join us to learn about how and why multiracial congregations can perpetuate inequitable power dynamics and what can be done to better reflect the equity and interdependence Jesus intended for the body of Christ.


Here is what people are saying about RCCI’s workshops.

  • "The workshop was thoroughly biblical, historically rooted, and immensely practical. Megan knows what she's talking about because she is living it. I would recommend this workshop to anyone!" - Pastor Ben

  • "[RCCI's] presentation to our presbytery was very eye-opening and helpful as she brought to light issues of racism present in many churches. It was difficult to have our perspectives and assumptions challenged, but Megan offered a message of hope as we seek to overcome the sin of racism personally and collectively." - Rev. Bill

If you’d like to host an RCCI workshop at your church or organization, please contact Megan at for more information.