Lessons We’re Learning
Lessons We’re Learning: Three Takeaways From the First Five Years of Ministry
by Megan Lietz, Director, Race & Christian Community Initiative
As the Race & Christian Community Initiative at the Emmanuel Gospel Center celebrates five years of ministry, we’ve been intentional about reflecting on our journey. We’ve considered the lessons we’re learning, the ways we’re growing, and what we want to carry with us into the future.
RCCI’s founding director, Megan Lietz, shares three key lessons that are forming the ministry and that could serve your own pursuits of building shalom across racial lines.
We invite you to learn from our mistakes. Gain from our experiences. Or simply be affirmed in the wisdom you already know. Take a look and consider three lessons that have been transformative for our ministry and that we believe are foundational to continuing God’s redemptive work across racial lines.
Part I — Learning As We Go: A Messy Methodology Nurtured Transformation
A new way of thinking helped launch me into ministry. It also changed me in the process.
When I only engaged my mind, I was limiting my own and others’ healing.
Part III — Learning How to Pedal: Balancing “Doing” and “Being” in the Work of Racial Justice
It’s not just about what you do, it’s how you do it.