
The Value of Making Youth Voices Heard [VIDEO]

The Value of Making Youth Voices Heard [VIDEO]

The BEC was privileged to work with some amazing youth leaders last school year, training them to be community researchers in the Lenox/Camden area by using the tool of participatory action research. We were also blessed to collaborate with Vibrant BostonSt. Stephen's Youth ProgramsCrosstown Church International, and Boston College School of Social Work to make this program a success. See the video for a short intro.

Urban Youth Mentoring

Urban Youth Mentoring

he presence of a caring adult in the life of a youth is one of the key factors in influencing a child’s behavior. In addition to parenting, mentoring youth in an urban context provides a highly strategic social-spiritual opportunity to shape future generations and address broader societal issues, including youth violence. In this issue from 2008, EGC Senior Researcher Rudy Mitchell summarizes his research on mentoring youth in an urban context. See also the concluding list of links and resources.