Human Trafficking

Christian Organizations Addressing Social Issues

Christian Organizations Addressing Social Issues

This guide showcases organizations addressing some of the most pressing social issues. Their endeavors range from supporting vulnerable children and families to promoting environmental stewardship.

Hard Steps Toward the Light: Meet Bonnie Gatchell [Interview]

Hard Steps Toward the Light: Meet Bonnie Gatchell [Interview]

Meet Rev. Bonnie Gatchell! Bonnie equips Christians throughout MA to minister to women exploited in the sex industry. In this interview we hear a little of her story.

Gender Based Violence & the Church [Resources]

Gender Based Violence & the Church [Resources]

The Church has a critical role in prevention, intervention, and healing from gender-based violence (GBV). These resources can help.

Voices of Human Trafficking [VIDEO]


Exploitation Response Sheet for Spanish Speakers

Qué es explotación/Tráfico Humano? "Tráfico Humano es la adquisición de la personas pormedios impropios, tales como la fuerza, el fraude, o la coacción, con el objetivo de explotarlos." United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime­trafficking/

Si alguien se identifica a sí mismo como una víctima de la trata de personas, o sospecha quealguien está en riesgo o involucrados con la trata de personas y la explotación, aquí están los recursos para la respuesta

Exploitation Response Resource Sheet Quincy, MA

If someone self-identifies as a victim of human trafficking, or you suspect someone is at risk or involved with human trafficking and exploitation, here are resources for response.