Emmanuel Gospel Center Emmanuel Gospel Center

One leader’s call to prevent sexual exploitation in the church

Sexual exploitation in the church thrives in a culture of silence and secrecy. Gregg Detwiler argues that the absence of safe, transparent spaces where leaders can process their struggles is a systemic issue. Sharing from his own life and ministry, Gregg encourages Christian leaders to walk with others in accountability and transparency as they seek to minister to others.

One leader’s call to prevent sexual exploitation in the church by practicing accountability, transparency

By Gregg Detwiler, Founding Director and Consultant for Intercultural Ministers

Editor’s Note: When male Christian leaders abuse their power and sexually exploit women, the trauma has a devastating impact on the victims, rippling out through the broader community. Underneath these moral failures lies a culture of silence and secrecy. Gregg Detwiler, founding director and consultant for Intercultural Ministers at the Emmanuel Gospel Center, argues that the absence of safe, transparent spaces where leaders can process their struggles is a systemic issue. Sharing from his own life and ministry, Gregg encourages Christian leaders to walk with others in accountability and transparency as they seek to minister to others.

Many in the Christian community have been rocked by the recent revelation of the secret life of sexual sin and abuse by the renowned Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias. This tragic failure follows in the wake of other well-known leaders such as Bill Hybels. Both of these cases involved abuse of power, and in Zacharias’ case, sexual exploitation and assault on multiple women whom he violated and now face horrific trauma. We lament the pain, loss and devastation of these survivors and pray for their healing and restitution.

But the culture of silence and secrecy that incubates such predatory sexual exploitation is not limited to just megachurch pastors and leaders of large international ministries but also shows up in local congregations. There are ample examples of lesser-known local leaders who have joined the ranks of those whose lives of secret sin and abuse have been exposed. To add to this, there are leaders who have secretly struggled with depression, with some who have sadly succumbed to suicide. While the pressures associated with COVID may have exacerbated these problems, this spiritual malady has extended well beyond the current moment.

You can read the full article at Gregg’s blog at

Gregg Detwiler

Prior to joining EGC in 2001, Gregg Detwiler served as a church-planting pastor of a multicultural church in Boston, and as missions pastor of a suburban congregation. Today Gregg works with leaders from many cultures, offering research, training, consulting, networking and collaborative outreach. Originally from Kansas, Gregg graduated from Evangel University and the Assemblies of God Seminary in Missouri. In 2001, he earned a D.Min. in Urban Ministry from Gordon-Conwell. Gregg and his wife, Rita, live in Greater Boston and have three children.

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Emmanuel Gospel Center Emmanuel Gospel Center

COVID-19 & the Church: Leadership in Crisis & Change

Last Updated August 14, 2020


COVID-19 & the Church: Leadership in Crisis & Change

Church Leadership

9 Leadership Principles from an Interim Pastor to Get You Through a Crisis (Like COVID-19) - David Miles of Vital Church Ministry

COVID-19 Toolkit for Nonprofits and Ministries - a course from City Vision University

The course is designed to train leaders at nonprofits, NGOs and ministries on how to respond to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic effectively and adapt to the financial crisis. This course builds on City Vision's experience working with thousands of nonprofits, NGOs and ministries in the past 20 years. We have also been curating the best COVID-19 resources and training from some of the best sources in the world.

Some of the other material covered includes:

  • Nonprofit Government Grants, Loans, CARES Act & Other Legislation

  • How to Maintain Healthy Relationships and Organizations in a Remote Work Environment

  • Resources for Homeless Shelters & Organizations Serving High-Risk Clients During COVID-19

  • COVID-19 Planning Toolkit for Nonprofit Leaders & Boards

  • COVID-19 Nonprofit Fundraising Toolkit

  • Leading through a Crisis, by John Maxwell

  • Nonprofit Board Resources, Risk Management, HR & Legal Guidance

Non-Profit Leadership

Online Courses for Nonprofit and Ministry Leaders - free online courses from City Vision University

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Spiritual Health/Vitality, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center Spiritual Health/Vitality, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center

Resources for Christians Navigating Political & Theological Divides

We live in polarizing times—but we’re not the first. Prof. Dean Borgman recommends resources with time-tested kingdom principles about how to engage with others in political matters.

Resources for Christians Navigating Political & Theological Divides

Compiled by Andrew Tsou and Dean Borgman

We live in polarizing times—but we’re not the first. Many time-tested kingdom principles about how to engage with others in political matters are already recorded in insightful Christian books and resources.

“Moving out to do something has to have a deeply spiritual basis.” - Professor Dean Borgman

On November 9, 2018, the Emmanuel Gospel Center held its first Long View Session—a new series of gatherings where seasoned, visionary ministry thinkers discuss matters crucial to the future of urban ministry and Christian engagement in society. At the inaugural session, Professor Dean Borgman discussed Christians’ call to engage in political conversation amidst explosive and frayed emotions in our nation, state, and communities, and he offered tips and resources to light the way.

Long View Session participants also had the opportunity to share ways that they’re already engaging—well, poorly, or not at all—with friends and family on issues of political relevance.

“Moving out to do something has to have a deeply spiritual basis,” Prof. Borgman cautioned. For biblical principles on how to engage well about politically-charged issues when talking to friends, family, and people on the other side of political divides, check out Dean’s recommended resources below.

Suggested Resources

The New York Times, September 29, 2018

The New York Times, September 29, 2018

“What should the role of Christians in politics be? More people than ever are asking that question. Christians cannot pretend they can simply transcend politics…. Those who simply avoid all political discussions and engagement are essentially casting a vote for the status quo.” - Pastor Tim Keller


Evangelicals on Public Policy Issues: Sustaining a Respectful Political Conversation by Harold Heie (2014)

“…One of my primary proposals for a “Way Forward” beyond the debacle of current American Politics that emerged from my recent eCircle on “Reforming American Politics” is that politicians and their supporters need to ‘develop personal relationships of mutual understanding and trust by listening to and talking respectfully with those who disagree with them’. …To develop such a personal relationship is to become a friend.” - Harold Heie


The Politics of Jesus: Rediscovering the True Revolutionary Nature of Jesus’ Teachings and How They Have Been Corrupted by Obery Hendricks (2007)

Obery Hendricks is an ordained Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, a former Wall Street Investment executive, and a scholar, professor, and author also of Living Water and The Universe Bends Toward Justice: Radical Reflections on the Bible, the Church, and the Body Politic (2011).


God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It by Jim Wallis (2006)

God’s Politics covers the taboos of talking about religion and politics, and how spiritual values impact international relations, economic justice, social issues, and social change.

The Politics of Jesus by James H. Yoder (1994)

“Tradition has painted a portrait of a Savior aloof from governmental concerns and whose teachings point to an apolitical life for his disciples…. Such a picture of Jesus is far from accurate,” argues John Howard Yoder.

Yoder gives us a picture of a political Jesus, and offers a polemic for Anabaptist pacifism.


Other Movements, Organizations & Resources


Civilitas, Doug Birdsall

Civilitas represents a foundational commitment to strengthen the influence of the Bible and the role of the Church as a means of bringing healing and cohesion to our fragmenting society.

Civil conversations will work to change the tone of our society by supplanting vitriolic public discourse with respectful listening, constructive exchange, and positive partnerships.


Revive Civility, from the National Institute for Civil Discourse: To Restore and Call for Civility in our Democracy

Integrated research, practice and policy to support and engage: 

  • Elected officials who are capable of working to solve the big issues facing our country.

  • A public that demands civil discourse as well as government that works in the best interests of the country as a whole. 

  • A media that informs citizens in a fair and responsible way.


Citizen Engagement and Civil Discourse Resources

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) is committed to the success of all legislators and staff. Its mission is to:

  • Improve the quality and effectiveness of state legislatures.

  • Promote policy innovation and communication among state legislatures.

  • Ensure state legislatures a strong, cohesive voice in the federal system.

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Women in Leadership, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center Women in Leadership, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center

Leading By Letting Go: Skills in Courageous Leadership for Healthy Collaborations

What happens when diverse Christian women leaders from across Boston gather for consultation to ignite movements for change? God uses that space to do unexpected things—and challenges us to further growth together as the Body of Christ. Shared learnings from then 2017 Woven Consultation Day.

Leading By Letting Go: Skills in Courageous Leadership for Healthy Collaborations

By the Woven Team


At Woven, Christian women leaders gather to encourage and consult one another. For this year’s consultation, we focused on igniting local collective-action movements. Morning plenary sessions gave practical tools and best practices for effective collaboration and movement building. In the afternoon, women participated in one of two workshops, where they advised local networks focused on social justice and church unity. This blog celebrates the leadership growth we observed from that gathering.

Godly leadership is not about taking control on behalf of God—it’s about taking the lead in making room for God. Knowing how to make space for the movement of God is especially true in collaborative situations.

When we work for a collaborative mission—without seeking individual accolades—Jesus moves freely. And when Jesus moves freely, God’s design for the Church comes alive.

As the women engaged at Woven, they showed courage and growth in collaborative leadership. Here we celebrate that growth and share it with you for your reflection and action in your spheres of influence.


Growth Area #1: Surrendering the Mission Back to God

Once you enter a collaborative situation, prepare to lay down what you think is “the mission” on the altar of trust in God’s wisdom. While God may call you to pick it back up, allow yourself time to hear from God—maybe through others—about God’s assignment and priorities.


Unity is not inviting or bringing people along towards your mission statement. Our own mission statement is not the whole of God’s mission within a collaboration.

Unity is not inviting or bringing people along towards your mission statement.

Instead, as we put ourselves into a broader array of work God is doing, we piece together all the missions, like a stained-glass window.  Our mission is just one broken piece of glass that God fits with others. If you’re in a leadership role within the collaboration, prepare to facilitate discovery and clarification of a shared mission.

In past years, we designed the Woven consultation day to invite women to discuss their own leadership challenges and supports. This year we decided to focus on building skills for collaboration. We designed a time that would challenge the women to apply the values described here.

Towards that end, we designed workshops that would require the women to lay aside their expectations and agendas to work together towards a concrete goal, in this case, building movements for social justice and Christian unity. We are grateful to the women for their flexibility.        

Growth Area #2: Letting Go of Control

As you step into a community of people who are thinking differently, prepare to experience a new level of trust in God.

Letting others change your perspective is uncomfortable. But as women who have let go of needing to be the one with all the answers know, this openness is critical to engaging in unity work.


In the social justice workshop, one Woven team member was taking whiteboard notes while a group of women was refining language for a discussion question. She noticed that women were using the word “difference” in unexpected ways. Seeking further clarity, she started asking clarifying questions about what the women meant by “difference” and advocated for a specific definition. In doing so, she confused some people and distracted the group from brainstorming ideas. On later reflection, she realized that she needed to set aside her need for precision in order just to listen and capture what the women were saying.

As you listen, try not to “correct” others' thoughts. Instead, focus on gaining perspective. This different focus sometimes requires laying aside how you think a conversation or activity should go.    

Growth Area #3: Sharing Resources

Sacrificial giving is critical to collaboration. If you offer your resources into God’s hands, you might receive them back from the woman next to you, who is giving up her stuff for you. Or you might be the one giving up things for her benefit.


Everyone in a collaboration needs to come into a sharing posture. One participant describes, “Coming in, I didn't realize I'd be engaged in consultancy.  So I had to shift from ‘What do I get out of this immediately?’ to a ‘How do I serve/give?’ mindset and trust that my purpose for being here will be revealed—maybe even after today.”

Everyone in a collaboration needs to come into a sharing posture.

By laying aside her agenda, this woman gave herself as a resource. She decided to share her focus, her listening ear, and her expertise as a gift to the workshop group.

Growth Area #4: Role Shifting

Be prepared that you may need to play a different role than the one you are accustomed to. When entering a collaboration, ask God to remind you what has served you in the past, and what has proved useful others. He’ll guide you to the best ways to lead and collaborate in the present situation.


All the Woven participants are experienced leaders, serving in leadership roles in their homes, churches, and organizations. But in the workshop times, many women saw the need to take a follower posture, playing a supportive role—sometimes even for a topic in which they are accomplished experts.

One woman notes, “I did need to continually remind myself of the different places that people were coming from to have this discussion.” In seeing this diversity, she was able to adjust her participation to what the larger group needed.

Growth Area #5: Admitting Failure & Celebrating Success

Don’t wait for an “end” to celebrate!

Collaboration doesn’t happen overnight without setbacks or missteps. Learning together requires honest evaluation and continual reflection. Admitting failure builds trust and transparency—prerequisites for genuine cooperation.

Conversely, celebrating successes as we realize them is foundational. Collaboration is a journey, not a destination. Don’t wait for an “end” to celebrate!

When you observe others sharing themselves generously or with bravery, call it out and praise it. When the group pushes through obstacles or engages in hard conversations, celebrate that dedication together.


Woven participants give day-end feedback surveys, and many also seek out team members to share their input in person. We’re grateful that women let us know what tools worked and which felt bulky or distracting. They shared how we could have fine-tuned our facilitation. We welcome and celebrate this feedback. How could any of us improve without honest evaluation?

We see Woven as successful, not because it is flawless, but because it’s an adaptive space that grows based on feedback. We’re honored to support a space where women can come and share as they are, learning and growing together.

One participant shared, “It is not easy for me to share my opinions/thoughts in other circles because of traditions, etc. I tend to be shy anyway. Woven is a place that I felt welcome to speak up. More than that, Boston needs women working towards transformation in all spheres, and Woven encourages me and others.”


The Woven Team 

(Left to Right) Liza Cagua-Koo, EGC Assistant Director, facilitated the social justice workshop. Jess Mason, EGC Supervising Editor, took notes. Nika Elugardo, EGC Leadership Systems Architect, led a plenary session and facilitated the unity workshop. Stacie Mickelson, EGC Director of Applied Research & Consulting, facilitated the consultation day.

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Churches/Church Planting, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center Churches/Church Planting, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center

Connecting Multi-Site Church Leaders [PhotoJournal]

On November 20, Vision New England brought together 38 current and aspiring multi-site leaders from across New England for a Multi-Site Forum at LifeSong Church in Sutton, MA. The full-day event provided a space for peers to build relationships with fellow multi-site leaders, exchange insights, and share successes and failures in their multi-site experience.

On November 20, Vision New England brought together 38 current and aspiring multi-site leaders from across New England for a Multi-Site Forum at LifeSong Church in Sutton, MA. The full-day event provided a space for peers to build relationships with fellow multi-site leaders, exchange insights, and share successes and failures in their multi-site experience.

VNE Multi-state info graphic.jpg

Bob Atherton, VNE Vice President of Member Services and the forum's organizer initially thought the event would draw a handful of leaders. As registration grew to include leadership teams from 17 churches across seven states, it became clear that current and aspiring multi-site leaders were eager for time to learn and connect.


The plenary sessions, facilitated by veteran multi-site leader, Pastor Rex Keener, focused on seven critical questions for current and aspiring multi-site leaders.

7 Critical Questions

  1. Why should our church go multi-site?

  2. How do we determine which multi-site approach fits us best?

  3. What constitutes success?

  4. How do we get our church ready to launch its first site?

  5. How do we manage the multi-site monster?

  6. What are the persistent challenges of a multi-site church?

  7. What is the multi-site movement’s “dirty little secret”?

Pastor Rex presented best-practices and personal experiences around each of the critical questions. He made it clear at the start of the day that he wasn't trying to talk anyone into multi-site leaderships.

"If you wanted a sales guy today, you got the wrong guy, but I'll tell you the truth about it as I see it.” His transparency and candor about both his success and failures set the tone for how participants would share in their small group discussion.

“What is needed it this—to share both success and shortcomings.”

Participants were grateful that the small group discussions were both honest and practical. One participant noted that "learning about the realities of the challenges was very sobering and very helpful." Another said, "What is needed is this—to share both success and shortcomings."

Based on small group report-backs and participant surveys, Vision New England and EGC’s Applied Research & Consulting team discovered four key insights multi-site leaders repeatedly shared.

We believe their insights clarify—both for leaders exploring the multi-site option and for current multi-site staff facing vexing challenges to sustainability—the need for four life-preserving team commitments:

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Churches/Church Planting, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center Churches/Church Planting, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center

Staying Afloat in Multi-Site Ministry: 4 Key Commitments for Long-Term Health

Multi-site ministry is hard. But a few simple team practices can make the difference between a failed "experiment" and a thriving multi-site community. 

Staying Afloat in Multi-Site Ministry

4 Key Commitments for Long-Term Health

By the EGC Applied Research & Consulting Team and Vision New England


Multi-site church leadership is risky. Enough funding, attendance, and facilities for a site launch provide a great start. But for a new worship location and community to survive and thrive long-term, more is needed. 

The multi-site church movement—wherein a single team manages the operations and shepherding of multiple co-branded churches—hit a major stride in the US just 25 years ago. So multi-sites are not yet old enough to assess their long-term impact on American Christianity. But lead teams are swimming in deep enough waters to have learned some key factors crucial to sustainability.


On November 20, Vision New England brought together 38 current and aspiring multi-site leaders from across New England for a Multi-Site Consultation at LifeSong Church in Sutton, MA. The full-day event provided a space for peers to share insights, successes and failures, and a few dirty little secrets of the multi-site experience.

Based on small group report-backs and participant surveys, Vision New England and EGC’s Applied Research & Consulting team discovered four key insights multi-site leaders repeatedly shared. We believe their insights clarify—both for leaders exploring the multi-site option and for current multi-site staff facing vexing challenges to sustainability—the need for four life-preserving team commitments.


1. Connect with Other Multi-Site Teams

Opportunities are rare to talk openly and honestly about the unique challenges of multi-site ministry. But regular connection to peers in the multi-site experience is make-or-break crucial for team health and practical insights.


Actionable ministry team learning and development happens best with others in the multi-site boat. Other church structures—church plants, missional communities, denominational leadership—are not comparable. The multi-site situation involves logistical challenges not relevant to other leadership experiences.

“What is needed is this—to share both success and shortcomings.”
— participant

Furthermore, spending time with multi-site peers means the conversation won’t shrink away from addressing real-world hazards or the ugly side of multi-site. “Hearing from others and their success and failures” added value in the table discussions.

According to a 2014 Generis report surveying 535 multi-site leaders from around the world, multi-sites also grow faster than single churches or church plants. To stay ahead of the whirlwind, multi-site leaders acknowledge the wisdom of ongoing relationships with others who are currently leading a multi-site or exploring it as an option.



2. Clarify Your Multi-Site Approach & Leadership Structure

Org charts aren’t sexy, and little to no attention is devoted to organizational strategy in seminary training. But a prayerfully and carefully constructed chain of team responsibility and support can mean the difference between a failed experiment and a thriving multi-site community.

“Getting a grasp on different models of multi-site ministry was tremendous," reflected one participant.  Lack of clarity on multi-site approach and leadership structure was the most commonly cited ministry challenge by both current and in-process leaders.

Adapted from Pastor Rex Keener's plenary presentation at the Multi-Site Consultation, November 20, 2017, in Sutton, MA. Click to enlarge.

In plenary session, Pastor Rex Keener clarified that multi-site is not a single organizational approach, but three: franchise, localized, or church-plant style (with multi-site governance). For leaders to thrive, they need to be clear about which multi-site approach they’ve chosen. Asking and agreeing upfront, “What are we going to standardize?” avoids unnecessary community stress.

In Pastor Rex’s experience, asking leaders to adjust, for example, from a more controlled role towards more autonomy is usually not difficult. But asking leaders to adjust mid-stream from more autonomy to less can be painful and demoralizing.

A prayerfully and carefully constructed chain of team responsibility and support can mean the difference between a failed experiment and a thriving multi-site community.

In addition, different multi-site approaches require different gifts and skills. Intentionally choosing your church’s approach from the start allows your team to avoid squandering your leaders’ gifts in the wrong role.

For example, sustainable franchise leaders tend to excel in interpersonal skills for partner-, leader-, and community building, whereas effective church plant pastors require strong communication gifts for regular preaching.

But more than any other topic, leaders cited the leadership org chart conversation as the most helpful and impactful part of the day. There Pastor Rex shared multiple, legitimate options for chains of authority and leader support.

Adapted from Pastor Rex Keener's plenary presentation at the Multi-Site Consultation, Nov 20, 2017, in Sutton, MA. Click to enlarge.

For example, in some multi-sites the senior leader directly supervises the campus pastors as well as other key leaders. In other multi-sites, the senior leader supervises another pastor who oversees and supports the campus pastors. Pastor Rex recommended the latter structure especially for churches with more than two sites, because it tends to be more readily scalable—adding a fourth or fifth site will not require a lead team restructure.


3. Go Deeper on Timeline, Location & Real Cost

Participants agreed that not enough conversation has been happening around the logistical challenges of multi-sites.  According to one participant, “The conversation around the way to think through location, timeline, and budgeting were helpful in that they didn’t offer what to think but how to think.”


The financial realities of multi-sites were of particular interest. The most impactful topic of the day was, as one leader put it, “the budget stuff—NO ONE has written a book about that yet!” Published estimates for the first-year cost of launching a multi-site vary wildly. Participants in the room shared estimates ranging from $250,000 to $1 million. In the Generis survey of 535 multi-site churches, first-year estimates ranged from $46,000 to $1.4 million.  

Not enough conversation has been happening around the logistical challenges of multi-sites.

The budget discussion raised a number of factors responsible for the wide range of estimates, including: the number of staff; the combined attendance at all sites; whether the site is buying, leasing, or renting property; and the leadership structure.

The leaders broadly appreciated the time devoted to this level of logistical detail, and expressed a desire for more opportunities for such practical deep dives.


4. Prepare to Face Hard Realities

The idea of launching a multi-site in some ways can feel to a church community like a reward for a job well done. When a church community multiplies beyond its capacity, it must expand or risk crowding people out—Yay, growth!

Going multi-site fixes nothing, it only multiplies everything.
— from Multisite Church Pitfalls, D'Angelo and Stigile

But leaders can hold an unconscious assumption that multi-site ministry will “just flow”—that the “repeat performance” will be easier than the sweat and spiritual labor that went into the original. Similarly, churches struggling to address the needs of a community bursting at the seams may assume that the multi-site launch will bring relief for overworked ministers.

The reality can often be the opposite of these assumptions, and churches considering a multi-site need to enter such a commitment with eyes wide open. D’Angelo and Stigile warn,

Multi-site creates more problems than it solves—it multiplies exactly who you are today, nothing more, nothing less. It’s not only the good that grows, it has a way of expanding everything in your church…Going multi-site fixes nothing, it only multiplies everything.

For example, despite its efficiencies multi-sites require substantially more—not less— leadership development. Multi-sites boast a higher average level of lay participation that individual churches. Wise lead teams plan to exercise intensive leadership development as a given duty, and prepare for even higher levels of leadership skill and maturity themselves.

Pastor Rex candidly shared the pain with which his church learned the need to restructure their lead team. As the senior pastor, he had been overseeing each campus pastor directly. But he was spread too thin and ministry quality visibly suffered.

His church has now taken the hard transition to a model where he supervises another leader who oversees the campus pastors. This mid-stream shift has involved significant growing pains. Pastor Rex hoped with his radical candor to spare other church communities of this kind of potentially avoidable team stress.


As a reality check for those exploring multi-site, or those bewildered by their multi-site experience, consider how the participants in this conference honestly describe multi-site leadership:

“More is not necessarily better, just different.”
— a current multi-site leader
“A difficult road, if you choose it.”
— a leader exploring multi-site
“Think about your systems and structures and make sure you are ready for the challenges.”
— a current multi-site leader

Experienced leaders agree that leading a multi-site is not trivial—it’s a hard upward calling. But take heart—leaders also shared measured words of wisdom and hope:

“No one has done this perfectly. Keep working on a solution that fits your situation.”
— a current multi-site leader
“Take it slow.”
— a leader exploring multi-site

Vision New England unifies, encourages, and equips the diverse Body of Christ in New England for intentional evangelism. VNE recently convened the Multisite Consultation to create an opportunity for peer fellowship, support, and shared insights among multi-site church teams in New England. Bob Atherton, VNE's Vice President of Member Services, would be happy to connect you with other local multi-site leaders.

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Churches/Church Planting, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center Churches/Church Planting, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center

Multi-Site Ministry In-Depth: Reading List

Recommended reading for multi-site leaders and those exploring multi-site as an option. 

Multi-Site Ministry In-Depth: Reading List

By Rudy Mitchell, Senior Researcher

Highly Recommended

Bird, Warren. "Leadership Network/Generis Multisite Church Scorecards: Master Growth, More Believers and Greater Lay Participation." Leadership Network, 2014.

Bird, Warren. "Leadership Network/Generis Multisite Church Scorecards: Master Growth, More Believers and Greater Lay Participation." Leadership Network, 2014.

D’Angelo, David, and Ryan Stigile. MultiSite Church Pitfalls: 7 Dangers You Cannot Afford to Ignore. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.

D’Angelo, David, and Ryan Stigile. MultiSite Church Pitfalls: 7 Dangers You Cannot Afford to Ignore. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.

Surratt, Geoff, Gregg Ligon, and Warren Bird. The Multi-Site Church Revolution. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2006.

Surratt, Geoff, Gregg Ligon, and Warren Bird. The Multi-Site Church Revolution. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2006.

Tomberlin, Jim, and Warren Bird. Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass, 2012.

Tomberlin, Jim, and Warren Bird. Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass, 2012.

Also Recommended

Banks, Adelle M. “Multisite Churches are Outpacing Growth of Megachurches.” The Christian Century, 19 September 2012, 17-18.

Barna Group. More Than Multisite: Inside Today's Methods and Models for Launching New Congregations.  Ventura, Calif.: Barna Group, 2016.

Bettis, Kara. “Beyond the Screens: How Can Multisite Churches Convey Pastoral Presence?” Leadership 36, no.3 (Summer 2015): 55-57.

Collier, Bryan. The Go-to Church: Post Megachurch Growth. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 2013.

Ferguson, Dave. “The Multi-site Church: Some Strengths of this New Life Form.” Leadership 24, no. 2 (Spring 2003): 80-84.

House, Brad, and Gregg Allison, MultiChurch: Exploring the Future of Multisite. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2017.

McConnell, Scott. Multi-Site Churches: Guidance for the Movement’s Next Generation. Nashville, Tenn.: B&H Books, 2009.

Pope, Randy. “3 Reasons We Stopped Doing Multisite Church: It's Hard to Lead Locally from a Distance.” Leadership, 36, no. 3 (Summer 2015): 58-59.

Smietana, Bob. “Flip This Church: More Small Churches Are Joining Big Ones In Order To Keep their Doors Open: Can The Multisite Movement Grow Without Treating Congregations As Little More Than Real Estate?” Christianity Today, June 2015, 42-48.

Surratt, Geof. Of Course People Prefer Live Preaching, But Video Venues Work When You Work Them. The Exchange: A Blog by Ed Stetzer, Christianity Today online, December 17, 2013.

Surratt, Geoff, Greg Ligon, and Warren Bird. A Multi-site Church Roadtrip : Exploring the New Normal. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2009.

Tomberlin, Jim. 125 Tips for MultiSite Churches, MultiSite Solutions. Scottsdale, AZ, 2011.

Tomberlin, Jim, and Tim Cool. Church Locality. Nashville, Tenn.: Rainer Publishing, 2014.

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Spiritual Health/Vitality, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center Spiritual Health/Vitality, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center

Avoiding Babel: 5 Tips for Spiritually Healthy Collaborations

Does Christian collaboration move us towards God’s ideal of healthy urban life? It depends. For Christian leaders, collaboration minus discernment can add up to idolatry. Check out these 5 disciplines for Christian leaders to help the Church avoid Babel in Boston.

Avoiding Babel: 5 Tips for Spiritually Healthy Collaborations

By Jess Mason

Does Christian collaboration move us towards God’s ideal of healthy urban life? If we're working together to accomplish a justice-oriented goal, does that mean we’re honoring God’s will and reflecting Christ’s love together? It depends. We may just be building another Tower of Babel.

For Christian leaders, collaboration minus discernment can add up to idolatry.

Babel as Cautionary Tale

The story of the Tower of Babel is the classic Biblical warning against ill-conceived collaborations. A group of people with a common language work together to build a city with a high tower. This endeavor displeases God, who then confuses their language to hinder their cooperation. Why?

While scholars diverge on the exact sin in the Tower of Babel story, the people appeared to be taking collaborative action without openness or obedience to God. Christian leaders have a part to play in the Church avoiding Babel in Boston.

5 Disciplines for Avoiding a Babel Scenario

1. Beware empowerment for empowerment’s sake.

You have to hand it to the people building Babel—at least they weren’t at war with each other. They were in complete harmony, with plans for a shared urban prosperity. What’s wrong with that? Isn’t that what Boston Christian leaders are working for?

Collaboration minus discernment can add up to idolatry.

The problem is that humans alone can't fully envision ultimate urban prosperity.

The people of Babel thought they should build a tower to reach God (Babel means "gate of God"). How could they have predicted God’s solution to the distance between God and humankind? They couldn’t know about the coming of Jesus, the cross, or the indwelling Holy Spirit. But God knew.

I attended the third Woven Consultation on Christian Women in Leadership in June. There the Woven team warned us, the would-be ministry collaborators, against shared empowerment for empowerment’s sake.

Setting a tone of spiritual openness for the day, wise leaders warned us against judging the success of the day merely by the creation of action steps. Instead, the Woven team offered us permission NOT to take action if that’s how the Spirit was leading. Alicia Fenton-Greenaway, the founder of Esther Generation, further shared that real progress for Christians means that real progress for Christians means being comfortable with not knowing the outcome of what the Spirit is accomplishing, yet still committing to the process of advancing the work of the Spirit in our souls, groups, or communities.

If we want the highest vision of human thriving for Boston, we'll want to listen together for God’s guidance on what is needed next.

2. Beware action from anger or fear — favor action inspired by love.

What was the motive for building Babel? Partly, the people didn't want to "be scattered over the earth.” The people may have feared a second flood and wanted to fortify themselves against God’s judgment. Or they may have been putting down roots in rebellion against God's command to multiply and fill the earth.

Whether from fear or anger, the people decided together that Babel was their vision of human thriving. 

Fear, as well as anger, when we look at them in solitude and quiet, reveal to us how deeply our sense of worth is dependent either on our success in the world or on the opinions of others. We suddenly realize we have become what we do or what others think of us.” - Henri Nouwen

Anger is powerful—it can energize us away from the status quo. But anger alone isn’t a wise guide to strategic action and can lead to counterproductive reactions. We need Christ’s love—for us and for others—to sustain us through the bumpy journey towards lasting change.

Similarly, fear can be useful—to make us aware of risks. But we need Jesus’ love to balance risk with appropriate courage.

Anger and fear can make us, for example, condemn human trafficking. But Christ’s love and guidance are what sustains the exploitation aftercare program Amirah House through their years of steady trauma care and strategic advocacy to bring about systemic change.

3. Beware obsession with branding.

“Come, let’s build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens so that we may make a name for ourselves.”

We can trust God to grow our group’s reputation as far as His purposes require.

In today's culture, churches and Christian organizations create their brand to be clear with the public about what they stand for. But God has not laid on those teams the responsibility to control how prominent their brand becomes, and at what pace.

I ran a non-profit organization for five years under a tremendous weight of needing to build brand recognition. I can attest to how merciless—and distracting—that burden can be. 

We don’t need to be anxious to "make a name" for our ministry. As we’re clear about what we stand for and diligent in what God has led us to do, we can trust God to grow our group’s reputation as far as His purposes require.

4. Beware celebrating new skills and accomplishments without celebrating growth in Christian character.

The people building Babel were innovators. They developed the technology for bricks, an advancement over stone construction. They had design thinkers with big visions, who could oversee the building of the largest edifice ever conceived.

God didn’t deny their skill or potential—in fact, God declared that nothing would be impossible for them once they set their mind to it.

But nowhere in this story do the people mention developing in character or wisdom. They wanted to grow in size, in prominence, in technology, but not in human maturity or godliness.

My friend Smita Donthamsetty worked for 20 years in Christian microfinance around the world. Her training materials are translated and contextualized into the local cultures of Peru, the Philippines, the Dominican Republic, India, Togo, Mali, and other countries.  

A key factor to the success of her trainings was balancing skill training and character development. Those who participated in her micro-savings groups learned about financial accountability and discipleship simultaneously. They discussed their broken relationship with God and others, and their new hope through Christ, as they explored treating money differently.

Smita admits that progress in those groups happens more slowly than organizations just teaching financial tools. But the balanced groups continue to this day to self-replicate and sustainably transform lives and communities through Christ-centered stewardship and microfinance.

As Christian leaders, we need to affirm that every shared endeavor is an opportunity for spiritual deepening. Foster and celebrate both the spiritual—as well as the concrete—impacts of your work together in the city.

5. Beware brainstorming and decision-making with no discernment practices.

Even when our teams are made entirely of Christians, our brainstorming and decision-making don’t automatically represent God’s priorities. Perfunctory opening prayers to “cover” the process are not enough.

How quickly our hearts can forget, as we develop momentum and build partner agreement, what it means to be a Christian leader. God isn’t calling us to merely guide others in soldiering on for Jesus, reaching out to God in occasional moments of uncertainty or need. Christian leadership nudges others to walk with Jesus continually.

One of the jobs of a Christian leader in a group setting is to create opportunities to listen to the Spirit. Then we can all, as God gives grace, take part in what the Spirit is accomplishing in the city. For example:

  • prepare a tone-setting devotional to address your group's human need for a transition into a sacred space

  • normalize pausing for prayer, especially when anyone senses the group might be forcing a false clarity before its time.

  • foster active stillness—that inner state of self-control that allows us to deliberately listen and honor God instead of just riding group momentum.

  • model a group culture of surrender to the Spirit, submitting any assumptions or plans to His greater wisdom.

As Christians, God is forever our First Stakeholder.

My supervisor, Stacie, will shamelessly call on Jesus in the middle of a team meeting. In mid-thought, eyes open, she’ll say something like: “So team, here are ten things we could accomplish in the coming month... (Sigh) Dear Jesus. We need your help! Guide us, help us get out of your way, help us hear what’s important to you. We love you, Amen.”  

She makes it normal for us to do that. So she makes it natural for our team to need Jesus—and to include Jesus—in everything.

Shared cooperation with the Spirit is at the very heart of building God’s Kingdom on earth. In nonprofit work, we learn ways to gather input from stakeholders. As Christians, God is forever our First Stakeholder.


Jess Mason May 2013.jpg


As a Ministry Innovation Strategist at EGC, Jess enjoys contributing to EGC's effectiveness in serving the Church in Boston. A former licensed minister, Jess is a spiritual director and Christian Formation Chair at her church. She loves to see God’s goodness revealed to and through Christians.



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Beyond Church Walls: What Christian Leaders Can Learn from Movement Chaplains [Interview]

People who profess no faith affiliation, often called "nones," as in "none of the above", comprise nearly 23% percent of the U.S.'s adult population. How do we develop meaningful connections with a generation that may never enter a church building? We sat down with anti-racism activist and spiritual director Tracy Bindel to discuss this question. 

Beyond Church Walls: What Christian Leaders Can Learn from Movement Chaplains [Interview]

by Stacie Mickelson, Director of Applied Research & Consulting

People who profess no faith affiliation, often called "nones”—as in "none of the above"—comprise nearly 23% percent of the U.S.'s adult population. How do we develop meaningful connections with a generation that might never enter a church building? We sat down with anti-racism activist and spiritual director Tracy Bindel to discuss this question.

How do we develop meaningful connections with a generation that might never enter a church building?

SM: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself – what you do with your time?

TB: I spend a lot of time bolstering and equipping social justice activists in the Boston area and beyond. I do that through Lenten spiritual direction, and I also run Circles (supportive contemplation-action groups) mostly for young people—Millennials who are engaged in some sort of justice work in the world. 

SM: You use the term ‘Nones’. Can you explain what that is?

TB: It seems to be a word that is quite popular among faithful Millennials. There’s a group of people who are deeply spiritual and longing for deep and faithful community, and they aren’t willing to be affiliated with large institutional religions. 

SM: What is Movement Chaplaincy?

TB: It’s an emergent field. It’s somewhere at the intersection of the multi-faith chaplaincy that you would see in a university and the traditional chaplaincy like in hospitals. It recognizes that people are in the world doing work together and need support—and more dynamic support—to do this work for the long haul.  

At SURJ Boston, when we have meetings, between 3 to 500 people show up. When you have five hundred people anywhere, you need all kinds of support, you don’t just need programming. Conflicts come up. Interpersonal stuff comes up. People don’t know how to navigate bigger questions on race, privilege, etc. Those are actually spiritual questions. 

[Movement Chaplaincy is] somewhere at the intersection of the multi-faith chaplaincy (that you would see in a university) and traditional chaplaincy (like in hospitals).

There are a lot of deeply faithful people thinking about, How do we actually shepherd this movement towards health and wellness, as we seek to dismantle systems of injustice?

SM: Are there places for churches to engage in movement chaplaincy?

TB: I think there’s a huge need for churches to follow the leadership of people in movement building work right now. But there’s hesitancy I see. 

I don’t have a lot of criticism of the church. But I think we could be doing more if we would trust that the Spirit is working outside of our walls, and that it’s okay for us to wander out and not be afraid of what could happen. I think the hesitancy I see mostly has to do with fear of “those people”—a separation between spiritual and secular people, which I don’t believe really exists.


If you’re interested in learning more about engaging ‘nones’ or getting involved in anti-racism work, Tracy has some practical tips for you:

1. Learn New Spiritual Language.

Listen to the podcast “On Being”, which brings together intersections in spirituality. It will give you the language to access people outside of the spiritual language that you currently have.  

2. Check Your Fear.

Consider what you internally fear in people who don’t have the same values and faith that you do, because God is not afraid of that. Ask yourself: How much of my discomfort is just language translation? Where do I need to learn how to speak a different language to reach and connect genuinely with these people? And where do I fear our differences in values?

3. Support & Learn from Those Doing Frontline Ministry in the 21st Century.

I think most people in the United States know it’s bad to be racist. But most people  don't actually know what it means to live into a practice of anti-racism. Go and find the people who do. I guarantee there are people in your community who are trying, whether that’s through meditation or policy work or legislation. There are different ways people are committed to practicing that value. Go and learn from them—that is applied spirituality.

4. Look For God Already at Work.

If we were to pose the question as, “What do you know about God?” rather than, “Do you know him or not?”, we would enter into a much more dynamic conversation. I just like to put on my curious exploration hat and say, “I wonder where God might be at this meeting? Maybe I’ll go see.”

5. Invest in Church-Based Community Organizers.

Anti-racism work is deeply spiritual. But there are thousands of people outside church walls who are also talking about it, and churches need to be in relationship with them—we need to be more coordinated and connected. Will your congregation support someone to spend dedicated hours each week coordinating with other parts of the movement to do this work well? My really big hope is for churches to hire community organizers to connect and organize congregations around these social issues.

Take Action


Tracy is an anti-racism activist and spiritual director who describes her work as Movement Chaplaincy, an emergent stream of chaplaincy that supports activists and social justice movement builders. She is a co-founder of Freedom Beyond Whiteness, a nationwide network of contemplative action circles, and she works locally with the Boston chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ), a network of 3500+ people that is comprised of many small issue-based working groups.


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Emotional Intelligence for Ministry Collaboration

Considering a ministry collaboration? Get ready for it to be slower, messier, and more fruitful than you imagine. Here are 6 social skills we all need for healthy ministry collaborations.

Emotional Intelligence for Ministry Collaboration

By Jess Mason

I sometimes find collaborative work agitating. My temperament enjoys the satisfaction of extended focus, of flowing through tasks in solitude.

But I also find collaboration exciting and hopeful. As a results-focused person, I have to face facts—healthy collaboration yields better outcomes. For me, collaboration means taking part in a greater story, rather than being the hero of a small one.

I don’t mean to imply that all work needs to be done in groups. Focused, solo work has value. In fact, without the depth of individual thought, groupthink can yield outcomes that are driven by personality dynamics instead of shared insight.

But extended solo work can sometimes give a false sense of progress. As well-meaning leaders, we can unknowingly hinder our own goals if we’re not in conversation with other players in the larger system in which we’re working.

Collaboration Requires New Skills

David Stroh reminds us that good systems thinkers engage in "continuous communication" with partners. Communication with partners is usually full of unpredictable challenges, so it can feel surprisingly messy and slow. But the fruits of that communication can yield multiplied benefits.

Connecting well with partners also requires our willingness to be humble. In shared learning, we open ourselves up to ways we’ve been blind—where our efforts might have been ineffective, or even counterproductive. Healthy collaborators foster a gracious environment and celebrate shared learning—from failure and success alike.

Not surprisingly, healthy collaboration requires more emotional effort and social skill than solo work. Fortunately, these skills can be learned. I’d like to share what I’m learning at EGC. Here I explore six social skills relevant to any ministry collaboration.

6 Social Skills for Healthy Ministry Collaboration

1. Prepare to be more gracious than you think you’ll need to be.

At times partners may seem inconsiderate or disrespectful. Assume first that they’re well-intentioned, but unaware, and share your concerns accordingly. Similarly, whenever partners appear hostile, assume first that they are afraid or feeling insecure, and respond with solidarity.

Prepare yourself mentally to be ready to respond to human needs as they surface. While you may capture participant ideas on shared spaces, you may also want to have a private space, paper or electronic, for noting the dynamics you observe, so you can plan to respond when the moment is right.

When someone sounds insistent or repetitive even after their thoughts are captured, use brief, affirming statements, such as “I hear that”. When emotions get more intense, you can say , “I can tell this is important to you”, and reflect back what you’re hearing them say.  

You don’t need to co-opt the entire meeting every time someone expresses an emotion. But making people feel seen, heard, and empowered within the purpose of the meeting is, in fact, the main purpose of meetings.  

When significant issues arise that are beyond the scope of the meeting, make shared plans to follow up at another time.

2. Communicate to learn together, not to perform.

Don’t wonder whether you’re still in a learning phase together—you are. Instead, ask yourself what kind of learning is important now. As David Stroh said, “Learning is a better stance than knowing.”

You may be engaged in learning about the wider system and collaborators’ current efforts. You may have advanced to what strategies are having positive impact, or about the unintended negative consequences of past efforts. Throughout your work you’ll keep learning the quirks of various collaborators and organizations you are working with—what tends to activate vs. shut down certain people in your network.

Don’t be surprised—there’s always more to learn from your partners, and others can expect to continue to learn from you. Mentally prepare yourself before partner meetings with the attitude of a learner.

3. Prepare FOR listening well.

We build trust when others feel heard; we build motivation when people feel empowered. Logistically prepare, both to hear people, and to foster doable actions.

Prepare logistical tools to capture insights, value diverse voices, and display agreed-upon points for action.

If you are not an auditory learner, plan to jot down notes so you can listen well. If you’re the planner for a group time, some version of a mutually visible workspace like a board, a giant post-it (or their electronic analogues) with a designated note-taker is key. If you’re the note taker, try to capture the essence of what you’re hearing, and discipline yourself not to “correct” it in that moment. Follow meetings up with a "What We Learned Together” communication.

A concrete plan for quality listening can transform chaotic time-wasting into sensible empowerment.

4. Practice strategies to calm down.

Interpersonal communication can be powerful, subtle, and complex. If we rush it or force it, we may miss what’s really being shared. If we charge forward in an unchecked adrenaline mode, we may even foster pathological communication by triggering fight, flight, or freeze behavior in others or ourselves.

Some strategies to calm down in shared learning settings include:

  • Slow down your words and body.

  • Take several long, deep breaths, until you feel a tension release in your body.

  • Lower the volume or tone of your voice to invite calm in others.

  • If you feel yourself in knee-jerk reaction mode, pause to make a note.

  • If you find yourself ruminating on past events, take a moment to focus your mind and senses back in the present moment. Notice the sounds, smells, sights, and sensations in the present moment.

  • Acknowledge strong emotions respectfully and appropriately, according to the culture.

  • Ask for a group break with a tone of respect for group well-being.

  • Thank the group for their time and courage, acknowledging they are taking part in difficult but worthy work.

  • Reset your shared goal for the day. Tensions can run high under time pressure. If the group agrees to adjust their expectations, you can finish together with a sense of empowerment.

5. Accept that people wear different hats.

Collaborators are not interchangeable—we each bring a different temperament, set of skills, and scope of concern. See if you recognize any of the following characters in your community:

  • She brings information but doesn’t suggest action; he does the reverse.

  • He’s a systems thinker and big vision strategist. She holds the group accountable to brass tacks for realistic action in realtime.

  • He’s a relational bridge builder, who keeps the entire collaboration sustainable, but doesn't give concrete input.

  • She processes information quickly, and may sometimes jump ahead to conclusions; he processes what he’s learning over time and comes back with solid buy-in.

  • He contributes by asking thoughtful questions, she by suggesting solutions.

  • She’s primarily thinking of the needs of stakeholders in the community, while he’s focused on the needs of the team in the room.

  • These two people can put on whatever hat you ask them to, for the purpose of the meeting.

Not everyone needs to weigh in on every part of the conversation. Certainly if there are objections, those need to be heard. But don’t feel the need to get everyone to the same level of understanding and buy-in at every turn. If there are no objections, feel free to move forward as a group.

6. Set achievable expectations for what success looks like.

Prepare the group for this “messier” vision of what healthy consensus on a diverse team looks like. At the beginning of partner meetings, verbally set everyone free from any unhelpful expectations you think they might bring.

Make it a practice to retrain the team’s source of satisfaction. Instead of hoping for everything to go swimmingly, invite people to notice solid, forward momentum amidst real challenges.

With shared expectations, together you’ll be able to recognize and celebrate successful collaboration when it’s happening.


observe a healthy collaboration in action.

Take any opportunity you have to be a participant-observer in a healthy collaboration environment. During and after the experience, make note of how key partners contributed to healthy collaboration.

Disclaimer: We all go astray at times—we all have bad days. So as you observe, don’t focus on judging “troublemakers”. Instead, focus on how healthy collaborators respond to bring the group forward together.

If you have the opportunity for professional development conversation, discuss what you’re learning with your coach or mentor.

FEEL FREE TO Connect with me with questions or comments!

Jess Mason is a former licensed minister and spiritual director. She is currently a ministry innovation strategist in Applied Research & Consulting at EGC, and the chair of Christian Formation at a church in Jamaica Plain. Her passion is to see God’s goodness revealed to and through Christian leaders and pillars in the Boston area.


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Churches/Church Planting, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center Churches/Church Planting, Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center

Tips for Developing Church Leadership

Starting a new church, but short on leaders? A few years ago, we interviewed a number of Greater Boston’s church planters to ask how they were developing new leaders for their churches. Here are some of their tips for raising new leaders.

Tips for Developing Church Leadership

by Rudy Mitchell and Steve Daman

Starting a new church, but short on leaders?

A few years ago, we interviewed a number of Greater Boston’s church planters to ask how they were developing new leaders for their churches. Here are some of their tips for raising new leaders.

1. Pray first. While you might be thinking you need people with particular skills, what you really need are people with spiritual maturity and Christ-like character. These foundational qualities take time to develop and time to discern. Lining up leadership should not be rushed. Do what Jesus did before he chose his team. Get up on the mountain and pray.

2. Examine and test. You don’t want to rush into appointing someone as a leader until you have thoughtfully and prayerfully assessed their potential and discovered their passion. To get there, you’ll need sufficient face time to begin to listen to their hearts.

  • Motives: Ask them to tell you their story about their calling to serve Christ and his church, and see if you can discern their motives for accepting a leadership role.
  • Beliefs: Are their beliefs sound and consistent with Scripture and with the church’s vision?
  • Character: Are they teachable? Faithful? Humble? Do they love Jesus?
  • Skills: Talk openly about the candidate’s strengths and potentials, but also weaknesses and limits. (You might go first in this one.)
  • Vision: Ask them about their vision for the position and brainstorm together what it might look like for them to take leadership over a particular ministry. See how that conversation goes.

Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to implement this type of assessment as it may save both you and the candidate much pain and difficulty if, in fact, it turns out they are not the right person for the job. For scriptural precedent on testing, read 2 Corinthians 13.

3. Make disciples. Developing leaders can look exactly like making disciples.

  • Replicate yourself: Move beyond the rigid supervisor/supervisee relationship and consider that your goal is to replicate yourself, to pass the torch to others who can learn to do the work even better than you do.
  • Spend time together: Training, discipling and mentoring require that you and the emerging leader spend time together and become part of each other’s lives in a deep and meaningful way.
  • Lean in: Lean in to the relational aspect of leadership development. Make yourself available. Listen well. From listening will grow understanding, spontaneous prayer, love, and maturity.
  • Huddle up: Add a regular Bible study time with your mentee with an eye toward applying what you learn reflecting on Scripture to ministry and life situations. This kind of intentional discipling can be one-on-one or in small huddles of three or more.
  • Grow yourself: With humility, remember that iron sharpens iron, and through this relationship, you’ll be changing and growing, too.

4. Learn together. Add to the essential, relational side of leadership development some formal training and exploration. Look for opportunities to gain knowledge and insight together.

  • Create training opportunities: Learning can happen in regular leadership meetings, special training sessions, or on retreats. Listening, vision casting, and discussion can all help.
  • Pick resources: Choose books or articles, and maybe online resources or video series that your team can study and discuss.
  • Flex scheduling: If team members seem too busy or have conflicting schedules, you might be able to provide some training through virtual online meetings, one-on-one or in groups.
  • Back to school: See what’s available at local Christian colleges, Bible institutes, and seminaries. Encourage your emerging leaders to pursue and gain academic credentials along with practical knowledge. The learning and the credentials may open doors for them for even more effective ministry.

5. Do and reflect. When it comes to raising up leaders, nothing can substitute for hands-on-experience and on-the-job training. Perhaps your church or ministry can offer internships, residency, or apprenticeship training. In the same way that Jesus’ disciples watched and followed, listened and asked questions, and then were sent out, follow that pattern.

  • Show and send: After instruction in and modeling specific skills in real life ministry with your mentees along for the ride, start delegating responsibilities and monitor how it goes. Let them lead a small group, or teach a lesson, or get out and get dirty serving.
  • Reflect and send again: Observe, supervise, and coach. Give feedback. Reflect together what happened. Pray together. Send them out again.

A couple final hints:

  • Articulate roles and responsibilities: Make sure the new leaders can articulate back to you their responsibilities and what they are accountable for so that your expectations and theirs are always in sync.
  • Shepherd their hearts: Periodically discern if the leaders find joy and fulfillment not only in doing the work of ministry, but in learning to do it better.

SOURCE: In 2014, the Emmanuel Gospel Center’s Applied Research team completed 41 in-depth interviews with Boston area church planters of various denominations, ethnic groups, and church planting networks. This article was derived largely from responses given by these church planters regarding their own practice and view of leadership development, with added insights from the EGC Applied Research team.


Connect with church planters: Visit the Greater Boston Church Planting Collaborative.

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Women in Leadership Emmanuel Gospel Center Women in Leadership Emmanuel Gospel Center

What Women Leaders "Shouldn't" Want [Infographics]

What do Christian women leaders report hearing or believing that they "shouldn't" want or need if they were a good leader? What kinds of life-giving connections to Christian women leaders want more of?

What Christian Women Leaders "Shouldn't" Want [Infographics]

by Jess Mason

Boston area Christian women leaders report that access to supportive networks — spaces for life-giving connection — is vital for healthy life balance. Our data reveal that there is a support gap for many of these leaders.

But more troubling is the discovery of a cultural validation gap, where women leaders know what support they need, but their culture is telling them that strong leaders “shouldn’t” need that kind of support.

The infographics below capture these support and cultural validation gaps.

The first infographic captures the negative lens, answering: What kinds of support are these women perceiving their culture saying healthy leaders “shouldn’t” need?


What Leaders “Shouldn't” Need

Boston-area Christian women leaders were asked what cultural messages they heard that hinder their healthy life balance. The above represents what women reported hearing that strong leaders should not need or want. Word size represents frequency of mention, ranging from 1 to 6 mentions. Data taken from the 2016 Woven Consultation on Christian Women in Leadership, 104 respondents.

The second graphic captures the positive lens — this is the ask from Christian women leaders: What kind of support would help women leaders toward healthy life balance? Notice the substantial overlap between the disregarded/forbidden kinds of support in the first graphic and the desired kinds of life-giving connection in the second.


What Christian Women Leaders Want More of

Boston-area Christian women leaders were asked what would help them move towards healthy life balance. The above represents what life-giving interactions they reported wanting or needing more of. Word size corresponds to number of mentions, ranging from 1 to 11 mentions. Data from 2016 Woven Consultation on Christian Women in Leadership, 104 respondents.

The final graph tallies these same requests for life-giving connections by category, which may suggest a relative weight of urgency or felt need. 

Boston-area Christian women leaders were asked what would help them move towards healthy life balance. The above represents categories of life-giving interactions in their responses. Bar length represents number of mentions in that category, ranging from 1 to 39 mentions. Data from 2016 Woven Consultation on Christian Women in Leadership, 104 respondents.

By far the most requested kinds of support fell into the category of “grace spaces” — opportunities to be transparent, accepted and not judged. Christian women leaders would value more opportunities to be open about their weaknesses, their doubts, and their failures without concern for undermining their effectiveness as a leader. 

The second most requested kind of support included encouragement and strategies related to gender-based challenges.

Perhaps in connection to both of the top two concerns, women also craved the opportunity to share stories with other Christian women leaders — including stories of failure and redemption. 


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Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center

Christian Leadership Web Sites [Resource List]

Web Resources For Christian Leadership

Christian Leadership Web Sites [Resource List]

by Rudy Mitchell

Offers new resources for pastors and church leaders, and contains the 145 issue archive of Christianity Today's Leadership Journal.

Leadership Network

Seeks to foster innovation movements that activate THE CHURCH to greater impact for the Glory of God’s name. What began in 1984 with 20 leaders now serves over 200,000 leaders all over the world. 

Life and Leadership

Many resource guides and book reviews on Christian leadership, especially relating to the church.

The Christian Leadership website of Claybury International offers articles on Christian leadership. In addition, their free Christian Leadership Academy online courses examine what it means to be a Christian Leader modeled on the character and teaching of Jesus. This international ministry is based in England.

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Biblical Theology Of Leadership [Resource List]

Resources On Biblical Theology Of Leadership

Biblical Theology Of Leadership [Resource List]

by Rudy Mitchell

Banks, Robert J., Bernice M. Ledbetter, and David C. Greenhalgh. Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation of Current Approaches. 2nd edition. Engaging Culture Series. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books Academic, 2016.

Branson, Mark Lau, and Juan F. Martinez. Churches, Cultures and Leadership: A Practical Theology of Congregations and Ethnicities. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2011.

Carson, Donald A. The Cross and Christian Ministry: Leadership Lessons from 1 Corinthians. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 1993. (paperback edition 2004).

Howell, Don N., Jr. Servants of the Servant: A Biblical Theology of Leadership. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2003.

Stott, John. Basic Christian Leadership: Biblical Models of Church, Gospel and Ministry. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2002.

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Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center Christianity & Culture Emmanuel Gospel Center

Inner Life Of A Leader [Resource List]

Resources On The Inner Life Of A Leader

Inner Life Of A Leader [Resource List]

by Rudy Mitchell

Barton, Ruth Haley.  Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in the Crucible of Ministry. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2008. 

Blanchard, Ken, and Phil Hodges. Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time. Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson, 2005.

Clinton, J. Robert. The Making of a Leader: Recognizing the Lessons and Stages of Leadership Development. Revised and updated Edition. Colorado Springs, Col.: NavPress, 2012.

Detrick, Jodi. The Jesus-Hearted Woman: 10 Leadership Qualities for Enduring and Endearing Influence.  Springfield, Missouri: Salubris Resources, 2015.

Fryling, Robert A. The Leadership Ellipse: Shaping How We Lead by Who We Are, Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2010.

Harney, Kevin G. Leadership from the Inside Out: Examining the Inner Life of a Healthy Church Leader. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2007.

Howell, Don N., Jr. Servants of the Servant: A Biblical Theology of Leadership. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2003.

Malphurs, Aubrey. Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 2003.

Maxwell, John C. Developing the Leader Within You. Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson, 2000. Maxwell has also written many other books on leadership.

Sanders, J. Oswald. Spiritual Leadership: A Commitment to Excellence for Every Believer. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2007. 

Scazzero, Peter. The Emotionally Healthy Leader: How Transforming Your Inner Life Will Deeply Transform Your Church, Team, and the World. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2015.

Stowell, Joseph M. Redefining Leadership: Character-Driven Habits of Effective Leaders. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2014.

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