Race Emmanuel Gospel Center Race Emmanuel Gospel Center

The Journey for Justice: How Lament Powers Repair

Liza Cagua-Koo shares her perspective on pursuing God's ways of dealing with pain through lament as the strong foundation from which we can engage productively and perseveringly in the work of repair.

by Liza Cagua-Koo

The Journey for Justice: How Lament Powers Repair

We are a world in tremendous pain, and as we convulse with it in our inner being, Jesus is standing at the door knocking.  His spirit is knocking urgently at the door of the church, his Body.  He's here, looking for the sick and those who welcome resurrection.  We are each individually and through our local expressions of church now making decisions to answer that knock, or not. 

Pursuing God's ways of dealing with pain through lament are the strong foundation from which we can engage productively and perseveringly in the work of justice and healing.  Unless we figure out what to do with pain in an ongoing way, we won't last in the cross-bearing partnership Jesus is calling us into.

Unless we figure out what to do with pain in an ongoing way, we won't last in the cross-bearing partnership Jesus is calling us into.

In this 3-part series I will share what I’m learning about running a marathon against injustice, and the interrelated centrality of pain, lament and repair.  This first reflection attempts to bring some texture to the pain I am seeing in others and in myself.

We Are in Pain 

We are in pain.  I bear witness to it here, in my limited way, and pour out my anguished cry out before God now and in the presence of those who might have an ear to hear. 


There is a pain that no human can really hold consciously in its fullness: the depth of the suffering of even one person who faces chronic systemic dehumanization from white supremacy culture and systems.  Only God can fully bear the parental soul pain of having "the talk", the bone-deep exhaustion of the black tax, the mental trauma of being continuously gaslit when you've tried to name the systemic pattern throughout your life, and for generations. 

This is the pain of fighting to honor your imago dei when your experience at school, at the doctor's office, with the loan officer, or with the police, screams otherwise. And now, in this unexpected moment opened up by the straw-break of one horrifying video, there is the jolting pain of seeing the world you've been living in suddenly perceived by those on the outside. 

And as this other world outside your door seems to be waking, as white strangers kneel along a funeral route honoring George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, as targeting systemic injustice becomes a thing, there is the pain of daring to hope that this will lead to something.   And another kind of suffering manifests: the pain of figuring out a new way to be and to lead, in the face of eager white folks wanting to make it all better but not ready to face the cost to them of what repair might entail.


There is another kind of pain: the pain of having your understanding of the world blown up into cinders.  The pain of deconstructing a comforting world that has rested on the myth of meritocracy, on the myth of American exceptionalism, and the misguided understanding that there are good and bad people in the world and all rests on individual choices, untethered from systems and their behavior.  The pain of betrayal of where you put your trust (your parents, your schooling, your history), and worse: the pain of sensing some level of responsibility now that you know something is deeply wrong. 

And when, finally, you come to terms with this new world, and decide to step forth into the struggle against systemic injustice, there is the pain of not knowing what to do, of making mistakes, of having your good intentions mean very little in the face of the impact of your actual choices. Here too is the pain of not knowing where to take your pain, because the world that has been oppressed does not have room for it.


And there's the kind of pain I know best: the pain of being part of a group dehumanized by white supremacy while at the same time cooperating with white supremacy in order to survive it. 

This is a diverse nexus with many kinds of pain and expressions.  The pain of white-presenting Latinos who've gone along with being "white" and have let go of their roots.  The pain of non-white-presenting Latinos who've gone along with being tokens.  The pain of black-presenting Latinos marginalized within their own community because of colorism and anti-blackness in it.  The pain of seeing other people of color (POC) weaponized against our efforts for justice. The pain of seeing POC standing on the sidelines of those efforts, like when recent immigrants are quick to separate ourselves from historically disenfranchised groups here and distance ourselves from their cause. 

I well remember my first cries at school in Boston of "I'm Colombian!  I'm not Puerto Rican!" when my 8-year-old mind subconsciously tuned into that demonic wavelength broadcasting that Puerto Ricans were less than, as I witnessed my white teachers routinely chastising them and expecting little from them.  So much pain that the disease of white supremacy has caused the non-white immigrant communities as it has dehumanized and divided.  And as if that was not hard enough, there's the pain of coming to terms with the fact that we were also carriers, that the infection of racial/ethnic hierarchy was spread by us too.


There is great pain amongst POC when we've left each other behind.  The pain is not just between white and black, it's amongst us all. 

The pain of indigenous people: decimated, blamed for their community's uphill battles—and mostly forgotten by other POC and whites alike as we fight for resources on their ancestral lands.  There is the pain of Southeast Asian immigrant communities left behind, invisibly falling short of the ridiculous "model minority myth," their youth in battle with other kids of color in the fight for street cred, looking for respect where it can be found.  There is much pain in the realization that we are often just fighting each other for crumbs in the heirarchy of the white supremacy table.


What can be done with all this pain—these "tips" and the icebergs that they represent?  So many of us have trained ourselves to not look at such horrors, to ignore them, to overcome by focusing on what we think we can do and control.  But regardless of whether any of these different streams resonate with you or not, whatever your story is with injustice, I believe we MUST look at the pain and suffering, that the Spirit beseeches us to stand in its presence and see the extent of the desolation, the valley of dry bones before us corporately. 

I believe we MUST look at the pain and suffering, that the Spirit beseeches us to stand its presence and see the extent of the desolation, the valley of dry bones before us corporately.

Only by walking with God's spirit amongst these bones can God begin to transform us into a people who can be cross-bearers in Jesus, into a Body who can prophesy over dry bones, that they—that we—might all come alive and live.

While Ezekiel prophesied with words, I believe we must prophesy with action.  Today’s dry bones need the flesh of repair-- actions that have the chance to rehumanize what has been dehumanized, to bring to thriving what has been chronically attacked by the systems we live in. I am convinced that biblical lament is an essential fuel for our prophetic action, what will give us the courage to do what needs to be done.  Part II will speak to why that is.


Liza Cagua-Koo
Assistant Director

Liza Cagua-Koo pursues racial justice & healing at home in a Latino-Asian family, at Emmanuel Gospel Center with a multiethnic team of urban ministry practitioners, and in life with her BFFs and church community in Dorchester, MA.  She is on the long journey of decolonizing her mind and longs for the day when the church is best known for being an agent of justice in our racialized society.  Or the day Jesus comes back and delivers us all.  She'll take either.


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EGC is issuing a series of 1st person reflections in response to the killing of Mr. George Floyd, in the hope that each unique voice might be heard, that we might each speak to the part of the Body that we are nearest to, and that together as a team we might disrupt the sin-cancer of white supremacy and our beloved church’s addiction to simple answers.

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Race, Spiritual Health/Vitality Emmanuel Gospel Center Race, Spiritual Health/Vitality Emmanuel Gospel Center

A Theology of Racial Healing

Today, issues related to race are sometimes seen as “liberal” or “political” issues. As a result, some Christians have disengaged from this important conversation, and this breaks the heart of God. Racial healing is first and foremost a biblical value. This article from the Race & Christian Community team explores a Biblical theology of racial healing.

Though the word “racism” is not used in the Bible, the work of racial healing has always been a biblical value. Scripture tells the story of God reconciling all people to himself and one another. 

In this resource, we suggest a Biblically-grounded theology on Christ's redemptive work in the area of race relations. We explore how the Bible addresses issues related to race, the impact of racism, Jesus’ heart for the oppressed, and Biblical principles of reconciliation.

May you be inspired to pursue racial healing as an outworking of your faith.

Go to Full Article

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Starter Resources on Race for White Evangelicals

You're White, and you want to engage responsibly and respectfully on race issues. You're an evangelical, and you believe the ministry of reconciliation is part of your calling as a follower of Jesus. Where do you begin? Check out these starter resources recommended by Megan Lietz, a White evangelical committed to helping other White evangelicals on their race journey.

Starter Resources on Race for White Evangelicals

by Megan Lietz

Biblical and Theological Foundations

As with all matters, it’s important that we root our understanding in God’s word. Explore the following resources to better understand the biblical and theological foundation of continuing God’s redemptive work across racial lines.

A Theology of Racial Healing:  Though the word “racism” is not used in the Bible, scripture tells the story of God reconciling all people to himself and one another. In this resource, RCCI suggests a Biblically-grounded theology on Christ's redemptive work in the area of race relations.

A Theology of Racial Healing:  Though the word “racism” is not used in the Bible, scripture tells the story of God reconciling all people to himself and one another. In this resource, RCCI suggests a Biblically-grounded theology on Christ's redemptive work in the area of race relations.

The Sin of Racism: Though racism is often not named as a sin from the White evangelical pulpit, this article by Tim Keller explains from a biblical perspective how racism is a sin and that it manifests individually and corporately. Though there is d…

The Sin of Racism: Though racism is often not named as a sin from the White evangelical pulpit, this article by Tim Keller explains from a biblical perspective how racism is a sin and that it manifests individually and corporately. Though there is disagreement around how to respond to racism, as Christians, we cannot leave this sin unaddressed. 

Ethnic Identity: Bringing Your Full Self to God: God gave each one of us ethnic identities that reflect the character and image of God. Explore what the Bible has to say about ethnicity and culture in this self-led Bible study for groups and individuals. It reveals how God sees our ethnic identity and uses it as a part of his redemptive plan.

Ethnic Identity: Bringing Your Full Self to God: God gave each one of us ethnic identities that reflect the character and image of God. Explore what the Bible has to say about ethnicity and culture in this self-led Bible study for groups and individuals. It reveals how God sees our ethnic identity and uses it as a part of his redemptive plan.


Race & Racial Hierarchy as the Product of Broken Humanity

While our ethnicities were given to us by God, the social classification of race and the racial hierarchy it serves was a product of a broken humanity. To learn more about how the concept of race developed and was shaped by socio-historical realities, not God’s will, explore the following resources.

Race: The Power of Illusion: This is a three-part PBS documentary that explores the origins of race and how it is not a genetic reality, but a relatively new social construct. Though somewhat dated, the foundation laid here is important to understanding the concept of race. If only one episode is watched, it is recommended to watch Part 2: The Story We Tell. It can be rented on vimeo or is available via Kanopy subscription service, that may be available through a local library.

Race: The Power of Illusion: This is a three-part PBS documentary that explores the origins of race and how it is not a genetic reality, but a relatively new social construct. Though somewhat dated, the foundation laid here is important to understanding the concept of race. If only one episode is watched, it is recommended to watch Part 2: The Story We Tell. It can be rented on vimeo or is available via Kanopy subscription service, that may be available through a local library.


Our Experience and Identity as White People

In order to engage effectively as white people in issues of race we need to understand how our experiences and perspectives may be different from those of people of color. An important part of this is understanding the racial privilege and power we have as White people because of the color of our skin. For some perspective, check out the following resources.

If you’re looking for a primer on how aspects of our identity like race and gender grant us measures of privilege and how they can impact our lived experience check out Allan Johnson’s book, Privilege, Power, and Difference.

If you’re looking for a primer on how aspects of our identity like race and gender grant us measures of privilege and how they can impact our lived experience check out Allan Johnson’s book, Privilege, Power, and Difference.

Waking Up White is a memoir by Debby Irving, a white woman who grew up in a predominantly white, wealthy suburb of Boston, about how she came to see and respond to her whiteness. Her journey can offer insights and encouragement for your own.

Waking Up White is a memoir by Debby Irving, a white woman who grew up in a predominantly white, wealthy suburb of Boston, about how she came to see and respond to her whiteness. Her journey can offer insights and encouragement for your own.

In, White Awake: An Honest Look at White It Means to Be White, Daniel Hill leads readers through phases of White identity development and offers biblical tools to navigate these seasons of growth. He also offers strong chapters on markers of racial …

In, White Awake: An Honest Look at White It Means to Be White, Daniel Hill leads readers through phases of White identity development and offers biblical tools to navigate these seasons of growth. He also offers strong chapters on markers of racial awareness and action steps you can take to progress in your racial awareness journey.

Peggy McIntosh’s article, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, is a brief and classic work that gives examples of how white people may experience privilege in their daily life. Simply becoming aware of what privilege looks like and how…

Peggy McIntosh’s article, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, is a brief and classic work that gives examples of how white people may experience privilege in their daily life. Simply becoming aware of what privilege looks like and how it can manifest in our lives is a crucial step!


Engaging Issues of Race

As we explore our identity as white people, we need to consider how this shapes our role in engaging issues of race and develop a toolkit for effective action.

Woke Church, by Eric Mason, explores the biblical call to justice that is for all believers and how the Church can regain its prophetic voice and practice to confront racism in the United States.

Woke Church, by Eric Mason, explores the biblical call to justice that is for all believers and how the Church can regain its prophetic voice and practice to confront racism in the United States.

How to Be Last: A Practical Theology for Privileged People is a blog post by Christena Cleveland that lays a theological foundation for the posture that white people should take as they follow people of color into the work of racial reconciliation.

How to Be Last: A Practical Theology for Privileged People is a blog post by Christena Cleveland that lays a theological foundation for the posture that white people should take as they follow people of color into the work of racial reconciliation.

Soong Chan Rah’s book, Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church, explores what Christians need to know and do to engage across racial lines in ways that are loving and respectful.

Soong Chan Rah’s book, Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church, explores what Christians need to know and do to engage across racial lines in ways that are loving and respectful.

Mark Kramer’s article, Unpacking White Privilege: Feeling Guilty about Racial Injustice Isn’t the Point; the Point Is Doing Something About It complements Peggy’s McIntosh’s article by offering suggestions for how to respond to some of the privilege…

Mark Kramer’s article, Unpacking White Privilege: Feeling Guilty about Racial Injustice Isn’t the Point; the Point Is Doing Something About It complements Peggy’s McIntosh’s article by offering suggestions for how to respond to some of the privileges she identifies.

For additional resources, check out Next Step Resources for White Evangelicals.


Megan Lietz, M.Div., STM, helps White evangelicals engage respectfully and responsible with issues of race. She is the director of EGC’s Race & Christian Community Initiative.

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Race Emmanuel Gospel Center Race Emmanuel Gospel Center

COVID-19 & Churches: Action Against Racism

As we seek the Lord for how to respond to COVID-19 and reorient ourselves to this new reality, let's consider how racism is shaping our communities and how we can work to counter its impact through practical actions and compassionate faith. Learn more about COVID-19's disproportionate impact on communities of color and concrete steps you can take to work against racism.


Last Updated July 2, 2020

COVID-19 & Churches: Action Against Racism

Megan Lietz and the RCCI Team

Being Black or Brown does not increase one’s chances of contracting COVID-19, but systemic racism does.

See below to learn more about…

  • COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on communities of color and how this is connected to systemic racism.

  • Actions you can take as an individual during COVID-19 to combat racism on the many levels it manifests.

  • Local organizations working toward equity during COVID-19 and how you can support them.

  • Why businesses of color were disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and how to find and support businesses of color in Greater Boston.

We are truly living in unprecedented times. That said, this novel virus is exposing the age-old patterns of racism, xenophobia, and systemic inequalities. As we seek the Lord for how to respond to COVID-19 and reorient ourselves to this new reality, let's consider how racism is shaping our communities and how we can work to counter its impact through practical actions and compassionate faith.

Please see below to learn more about COVID-19's disproportionate impact on communities of color and concrete steps you can take to work against racism.

COVID-19'S Impacts on Communities of Color

The Intersection Between Systemic Racism & COVID-19

The fact of the matter is that racism has created an uneven playing field. COVID-19 is only making these disparities worse.

COVID-19 is no respecter of persons. Anyone, of any race, can be infected and even die—a reality that makes us mindful of our shared humanity. And yet, the coronavirus has had a disproportionate impact on people of color, both through its strain on already racially biased social systems, and because people of color are more likely than White people to be infected and die from COVID-19. This disproportionate impact is true in Boston and in our country at large.

These wide-spread disparities are not caused by anything inherent in people of color. Nor are they caused by some imagined "collective negligence" on the part of Black and brown people. Rather, they are the result of racist systems that were built into the infrastructure of our nation. 

Being Black or Brown does not increase one's chances of contracting COVID-19, but systemic racism does.

HOW COVID-19 & Systemic Racism Interact

Many people of color… This connects to systemic racism because…
Serve as essential workers, work multiple jobs in different locations, or hold jobs that cannot be done from home, thus increasing one's exposure to COVID-19. A long history of job discrimination has not given black and brown people the same professional opportunities as White people. Click here to see one example of how racism poses obstacles to people of color's job prospects today.
Have higher rates of pre-existing conditions like asthma, obesity, and heart disease that can amplify the impact of COVID-19. These diagnoses are linked to discrimination-related stressors correlated with long-term adverse health outcomes. They are also fueled by environmental racism and the lack of access to healthy and affordable food that is more common in communities of color.
Reside in higher-density neighborhoods or housing where COVID-19 can spread more easily. Living conditions have been shaped by a long history of race-based housing discrimination in the US that continues today.
May experience obstacles to accessing COVID-related information and care in their primary language. Our society centers on the needs, values, and interests of English-speaking White people. This focus can leave the needs of those on the margins unmet.
Receive inferior medical treatment that can result in unnecessary consequences, including death. Implicit biases and long-standing racial inequities persist in the U.S. healthcare system.

The fact of the matter is that racism has created an uneven playing field. COVID-19 is making these disparities worse.

In addition, while people may be doing their best to social-distance, social distancing in itself is a privilege. It takes a measure of privilege, for example, to be able to work from home, have private transportation, and to afford masks and gloves, etc. Our Black and brown brothers and sisters are less likely to experience these privileges and more likely to participate in social distancing at a higher cost.

Social distancing in itself is a privilege.

The Impact of Systemic Racism on the Ground: Far and Wide

Click on the map to see the full PDF report from the Boston Public Health Commission.

Click on the map to see the full PDF report from the Boston Public Health Commission.

Systemic racism is amplifying the impact of COVID-19 on our city. To learn about a few of the ways COVID is impacting communities of color in Boston, check out:

Interpersonal Racism and the Asian American Community

Map of racist incidents against Asian people during the COVID-19 pandemic, created by Harvard University grad students. Click on the image to see an updated map and full article.

Map of racist incidents against Asian people during the COVID-19 pandemic, created by Harvard University grad students. Click on the image to see an updated map and full article.

In addition to the broad impact of systemic racism, Asian-Americans are being targeted through interpersonal racism ranging from inappropriate comments to violent hate crimes. Check out this personal account about anti-Asian racism in San Francisco and see where similar incidents have been identified and mapped in Boston and beyond.

These incidents are fueled by a wrong association between Asian people and COVID-19. This is part of a long history of disease being racialized in ways that perpetuate lies and uphold inequality. Check out NPR's "As Coronavirus Spreads, Racism And Xenophobia Are Too" to learn more.

In addition to the harm these lies have caused to Asian-people’s bodies and dignity, they have had an unequal impact on their businesses. Asian-owned businesses have taken an especially hard hit because COVID-related fears slowed business well ahead of the shelter-in-place orders.

RCCI affirms the AACC's call for the Church to address anti-Asian racism:

While people of all races are impacted by systemic racism, the rise of interpersonal racism against the Asian-American community must be named and addressed with intentionality and care.

RCCI encourages you to read and consider signing this statement:

Click here to to the AACC statement.

Click here to to the AACC statement.

Racism Kills: Racial Disparities in Infection and Deaths in Boston

Not only has COVID-19 had a disproportionate impact on people of color generally through its strain on various social systems, but people of color are more likely to be infected and die from COVID than White people.

Click on the graph to read the full article in the Boston Globe.

Click on the graph to read the full article in the Boston Globe.

COVID-19 is infecting, harming, and killing people of color at a higher rate than White people. For example, as of May 16th, 2020...

Similar data for the state of Massachusetts can be found in a mid-June report here.

For generations, people have been crying out against the racism in our social systems that value White humanity over the humanity of all others. It is in the disproportionate infection, harm, and death of people of color that the fruit of these unjust social systems become undeniably clear.

Systemic racism is death-dealing. As the Church, we must continue to take action to protect human life and to protect our shared humanity.

COVID-19’s Impact on businesses of color

COVID has not only impacted community’s physical health, but their economic well being as well. See below to learn more about how businesses of color have been disproportionately impacted during COVID-19 and concrete steps you can take to support them in our take action section. RCCI offers special thanks to Ed Gaskin, the Executive Director of Greater Grove Hall Main Streets, for offering his perspective and making significant contributions to strengthening our webpage. Thanks to his help, we could better reflect the reality small business owners of color are experiencing on the ground.

As of mid-April, 26% of Asian-, 32% of Hispanic- and 41% of Black-owned businesses have closed in the US. This is compared to 17% of White businesses that have closed in the same time frame. Businesses may or may not re-open.

This is due to compounding disadvantages like...

  • The Racial Wealth Gap: When businesses come upon hard times, having a financial buffer can make the difference between staying open and shutting down. Unfortunately, businesses of color are less likely to have that buffer, shaped in part by Boston's racial wealth gap. This gap has been shaped by generations of inequitable lending and opportunities and results in entrepreneurs of color having access to less financial capital in their social networks, including less access to business investors. This issue is further compounded by the fact that Black and Hispanic people are under represented in tech industries and other high money-making industries of the future that could build wealth in communities of color.

  • The Inequitable Design of Federal Funding: The current economic stimulus initiatives represent the largest direct transfer of wealth from the federal government in US history. Like so many other wealth-building initiatives, however, they are not as accessible to people of color, by default and design. As of May 12th, only 12% of Black- and Hispanic-owned businesses received federal assistance. This was shaped in part by realities like how the Paycheck Protection Program, and the pathways designed for people to access it, were structured in ways that disadvantaged small business owners of color.

In the first round of PPP: Obstacles to People of Color:
Many major lenders opted to give preference to larger businesses. This allowed these businesses to apply first for first-come, first-served funds. Businesses of color are often sole proprietorships and are more likely to be smaller than their White counterparts.
PPP applicants were required to go through a pre-approved lender (e.g. banks, credit-unions). These lenders initially gave preference to existing customers. Businesses of color are less likely to have commercial banking relationships. This is shaped by obstacles to gaining small business loans and broken trust on account of a long-history of racially discriminatory lending that continues today.

Adjustments were made to be more inclusive for the second round of PPP applications, but not before many business owners of color missed out on the first round of federal funding.

Ongoing Structural Issues: Obstacles to People of Color:
PPP info and applications were not readily available in business owners' primary language. Click here to explore a deep dive of challenges that the Executive Director of Greater Grove Hall Main Streets had to navigate to get info to business owners. This made info less accessible to and delayed the application process for business owners who do not speak English as their first language. By the time many business owners navigated these obstacles, money had run out for the 1st round of funding.
PPP funding has restrictions on how it can be used and recipients must repay, with interest, any amount that cannot be used within a limited timeframe for eligible purposes. This discouraged some businesses of color from applying because, if they had to downsize or close (which is more likely compared to White businesses), they would be less able to use the money within the guidelines and time frame needed to avoid repayment with interest.
The PPP excludes business owners who are currently involved in the criminal justice system or have been involved within the last 5 years. This has a disproportionate impact on business owners of color due to over-policing in communities of color and other factors that contribute to mass incarceration.

Taking Action Against Racism During the Covid-19 Crisis

Systemic racism is death-dealing.

Cry Out: Spiritual Responses to COVID-19

Let us begin this action in ways that root us in the biblical tradition and orient us to God. Please please join RCCI as we...

  1. Lament. Cry out to God. Declare that racism is not right. Invite the One who went to the cross into the pain and brokenness you are experiencing. We invite you to explore this guided lament, United? We Mourn: A COVID-19 Lament, that explores the intersection between COVID-19 and racism.

  2. Pray that...

    • People of color will be empowered to navigate and overcome the results of racism that are amplifying the impact of COVID-19 in their communities.

    • White people who are not aware of the impacts of systemic racism would be awakened to these realities and respond in ways that further God's redemptive work in the world.

    • God would continue to use his people as channels for racial healing and justice.

  3. Stand in Solidarity. We are one city. We are one body. In times like these especially, we need to stand with the most vulnerable among us and ask God to knit us into community.

Ways to Counter Internalized and Interpersonal Racism

  1. Check out this article on how to interrupt racism when you see it happening in the age of coronavirus.

  2. If you're an Asian person who has experienced hate crimes related to COVID-19, consider reporting it here.

  3. Be it with family at home or a group you convene online, learn with others through this simple lesson plan that corrects racist beliefs related to COVID-19 and the Asian-American community.

  4. Care for yourself so you can better care for others. Click here for an article with suggestions for self-care, written to people of color.

  5. Check in with people of color, build community, support one another.

Ways to Counter Institutional and Systemic Racism

  1. Support businesses owned by people of color by using their services or buying gift cards. Explore a list of businesses open during the pandemic. Identify local restaurants owned by people of color and black-owned businesses here.

  2. Reach out to your local leaders to advocate for policies that support communities of color in areas where they are experiencing extra strain as a result of COVID-19. Click here for 10 policy Recommendations to Temper the Impact of Coronavirus on Communities of Color from the NAACP.

  3. Donate time, talent, and money to local mutual aid networks that distribute resources to those in most need.

  4. Check out this list of equity and justice-oriented resources with categories like "healing and community care" and "organizing and solidarity" to inspire and inform your actions.

  5. Learn about Boston-based resources to support churches and people impacted by COVID-19. Spread the word to get information and help to those most in need.

Support Local Organizations Working Toward Racial Equity During COVID-19

As you seek the Lord for how to continue his healing work in the midst of the pandemic, RCCI invites you to explore these Boston-based organizations that are working toward racial equity and striving to meet the needs of communities of color. Please consider lifting up your prayers, giving of your time and talent, and making financial donations. The time for action is now.

One Church Fund

The Mass. Council of Churches (MCC) is raising money to redistribute to churches with a priority on the financial, practical, and relational support of immigrant, Black, poor, unhoused, and unaffiliated churches. Click here to donate. In addition, MCC has created an online database where Christians can share skills they have to offer and connect with people who might meet their needs.

Asian Community Emergency Relief Fund

The Asian Community Development Corporation, in collaboration with numerous partners, is raising money to provide immediate and direct financial support to Asian-Americans who have lost work, are having trouble meeting their basic needs, and may not be eligible for other public benefits. Donate here.

Black Ministerial Alliance Crisis Fund

The Black Ministerial Alliance, in partnership with Vision New England, is raising money to support Black churches and their communities during COVID-19. Click here to donate and specify that money is to go to the BMA crisis fund via the pull down "campaign" menu.

Agencia ALPHA

Agencia ALPHA is working hard to provide information and resources, such as food, emergency financial assistance, and wellness calls & follow up care, to Hispanic and Latino communities in Eastern Massachusetts. They are housed at Congregation Lion of Judah and have a focus on advocacy and legal assistance for immigrant populations. Click here to donate.

Mass Communities Action Network (MCAN)

MCAN is working hard to pass legislation that protects the most vulnerable among us. They contributed to the passing of the recent moratorium on evictions and are now working to see low-level offenders and ICE detainees released from facilities where, because of mass incarceration and anti-immigration sentiments, disproportionate numbers of people of color are kept in conditions ripe for the spread of COVID-19. Click to donate or learn more about how you can help pass life-giving legislation.

Violence in Boston (VIB) Meal Program

Started by a Black mother in partnership with a Black-owned business (Food for the Soul), VIB's meal program delivers between 1,500 - 1,700 lunches and dinners to Boston Public School students and their families each day. They'll continue to do this as long as funds last (it costs $3,500/day!). Show your support with a donation today.

Daily Table

Daily Table provides fresh and affordable food to the Codman and Dudley Square communities (36% less than their competitors!). During COVID-19 they have raised their workers hourly wage to $15/hr. and participated in free grocery and prepared meal distribution programs. Thus far they've served 15,600 people 127,000 free and healthy meals. Support them by shopping at one of their stores or click here to donate.

Community Health Centers

Many community health centers have been transformed into COVID-19 testing facilities that offer free tests to all regardless of insurance or immigration status. They are working hard to make sure that their communities, many of which are communities of color, have access to the tests and treatment they need. Many of these sites have given up their main income streams to serve the community during this crisis and are in need of personal protective equipment and funds to continue caring for the physical well-being of our city. Find your closest Boston-based testing site here and reach out to see how you can support.

support businesses of color

As Greater Boston continues to open, there is much work that needs to be done to rebuild our communities and ensure they reopen in ways that nurture justice and equity. One way you can contribute to this is by supporting businesses owned by people of color. 

support businesses of color today!

You can help work toward racial equity by supporting Black and brown businesses in Greater Boston. Consider doing this by...

  • Spending Intentionally: We all spend money regularly: Groceries, take out, gas personal care, home repair, gift giving etc. 

  • Where could you make a few shifts in your normal routine to direct the money you are already spending to support businesses of color? 

  • How might you influence the purchasing patterns in your workplace, church, or other communities of which you are a part to get money in the hands of Black and brown businesses?

Pick one or two areas where you can make a change and stick to it. Every dollar counts in this critical moment, and long-term changes in how you spend your money really add up. 

  • Eating Out: When you eat out, commit to supporting restaurants owned by Black and brown people. Delivery services like Grub Hub, Foodler, or Uber Eats can help bring food from businesses of color to you, even if there aren't restaurants owned by people of color in your neighborhood. Consider making an extra effort to travel to restaurants that don't have delivery (they may need your support the most!), but be sure to check to see if they have space to eat in and plan accordingly. 

  • Bringing Others Along: Don't eat alone! If you're getting food from a business owned by people of color, consider...

  • Asking family, friends, and neighbors if they want to join in on a group order. This provides more business and can allow you to split delivery fees or, if you pick the food up yourself, remove that obstacle for others.

  • Doing a weekly office run to pick up food from restaurants owned by people of color. 

  • Encouraging people to fellowship together at a restaurant owned by a person of color after church once a month.

  • As the need for catering returns, remember businesses of color!

  • Purchase Gift Certificates: Even if you don't need or would prefer not to use a certain service at the moment, purchasing gift certificates for you and others can get your money into the hands of Black and brown business owners at this critical time.

See below for businesses of color to support and spend your money in ways that work toward equity!

business highlight: building the black block

Written by Leslie Moore


After the round of publicized killings of black men nearly 5 years ago, local Black Lives Matter leaders connected with Black Rhode Island entrepreneurs to imagine an impactful, lasting response to the challenges of discrimination and injustice experienced by the Black community. A creative strategy emerged to use a small amount of resources to build a sizable hub of Black-owned property and businesses and Black-managed community structures that would effectively build community wealth and wellbeing. Another goal of this hub was to give the Northeast region an opportunity to experience a fuller picture of black people as they shared their rich cultural heritage and unique creativity that is the result of surviving centuries of oppression. In the last year, the hub has launched a black owned mini-mall called Still on Main. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the hub developers built several shared commercial kitchens in the mall so that families and individuals with cooking and baking skills could cook, sell and cater food in their communities for income. The hub is located in downtown Pawtucket, RI. It is affectionately called “The Black Block” and leaders hold hopes that it will be a model for more hubs across the country.


Listen to the Perspectives of People of Color

Media shapes the way we see and engage with our world. When learning about the experiences of people of color, make sure you're listening to people of color. Click here for a list of COVID-related news coverage written by Black and brown writers and reporters.

A Call to Action

We are one city with different experiences, challenges, assets, and opportunities. As an interconnected society, we are only as strong as the most vulnerable among us. In this season, we don’t need equality. We need equity to make sure we are all healthy and whole.

Ask yourself, what can I do? How can I give out of what I do have to make sure that the Boston emerging from the pandemic is healthier, stronger, and more equitable than before? 

We can all do something. Please prayerfully consider how to honor God in this moment and take action now.

Connect with the Race & Christian Community Initiative

Learn more about EGC’s Race & Christian Community Initiative.

Sign up for RCCI's newsletter for quarterly ministry updates and feature pieces like resources on COVID-19.

Get regular emails about race-related learning & action opportunities hosted by organizations in Greater Boston.

What resources do you know about? Suggest them for this “COVID-19 & Churches: Action Against Racism” resource page or for any of EGC’s “COVID-19 & Churches” resource pages.

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Healing Racial Trauma: Fresh Resources

Racial trauma awareness—by both people of color and white people—is critical to healing our racial wounds and racial divides. Sheila Wise Rowe’s newest book Healing Racial Trauma fills this crucial gap with an exploration of the reality and scope of racial trauma, along with interviews that honor real people’s paths toward resilience.

Healing Racial Trauma: Fresh Resources

We at the Race & Christian Community Initiative (RCCI) at EGC would like to draw your attention to an essential upcoming book, Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience, by Boston area Christian counselor, speaker, and author Sheila Wise Rowe.

Racial trauma awareness—by both people of color and white people—is critical to healing our racial wounds and racial divides. Sheila’s newest book fills this crucial gap with an exploration of the reality and scope of racial trauma, along with interviews that honor real people’s paths toward resilience.

Sheila is the executive director of The Rehoboth House, an international healing and reconciliation ministry that provides counseling, spiritual direction, art therapy, retreats, and life coaching in Greater Boston and Johannesburg, South Africa. Spanning these two racism-charged settings in her work has yielded vital insights into racial trauma. In her 2018 article “Healing from Race-Based Trauma,” she shared poignantly about her journey from South Africa back to the US, when she observed more deeply the extent and impacts of race-based traumatic stress in the US.

In June of this year, RCCI was honored to welcome Sheila to give a keynote address on racial trauma at the RCCI Community Gathering & Fundraiser. There she explained the cycle of racism-based traumatic stress that people of color accumulate and carry with them daily. She challenged white people seeking racial reconciliation to understand and acknowledge racial trauma.

Watch brief clips from the 2019 RCCI keynote address:



Pre-order Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience HERE and get 30% off with promotion code: OFFER20W. Offer good only until Monday, January 6, 2020!


You’re also invited to join Sheila at the Book Launch Party on Saturday, January 11! RSVPs are appreciated!


Take Action

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Power Dynamics in Multicultural Congregations

Well-intentioned congregations with beautiful visions for multiracial community can perpetuate inequitable power dynamics instead of the mutuality and reciprocity God intends for the body of Christ. These resources provide more information on such power dynamics.

God’s Word gives us a beautiful vision for multiracial community (Rev. 7:9). This vision, however, is challenging and complicated to live out in practice. Broken power dynamics is just one of the ways that the sin of racism can show up in the Church. Research reveals that, even well-intentioned congregations can perpetuate inequitable power dynamics, instead of the mutuality and reciprocity God intends for the body of Christ.

Take time to learn how power dynamics make a difference in the life of multiracial congregations. While getting people together across racial lines is a first step, more work is needed to nurture a healthy and authentic community.

Wrestling with Inequitable Power Dynamics

The Elusive Dream: The Power of Race in Interracial Churches - Kori Edwards' groundbreaking research explains how and why multiracial congregations tend to conform to the White ways of doing things instead of creating a more inclusive community.

Having identified the problem, Edwards didn't stop there. She is now working on the Religious Leadership Diversity Project that is helping us understand the type of leadership and qualities needed to lead a genuinely integrated multiracial church.

Why Do Multi-ethnic Churches Fail? - Check out this brief Pass the Mic podcast where Jemar Tisby and Pastor Earon James get real about why multi-ethnic churches fall short of God's intention. Spoiler alert: It has to do with inequitable power dynamics.

Multiethnic Churches: A Foretaste of Heaven or Bulwark of White Supremacy ? - Listen to the ladies of Truth's Table, a podcast for Black women by Black women, discussing in a 4-part series if multiethnic churches are a foretaste of Heaven or bulwark of White supremacy. If you haven't wrestled with this question, these conversations will get you thinking.

Working Toward Authentically Integrated Multiracial Community

Intercultural Churches: Moving Beyond Mere Statistical Expression of Multi-ethnicity - Intercultural congregations are those that attend to power dynamics and work to make sure that no one culture dominates, but that cultures interact in mutual and reciprocal ways. Check out an article expressing Rev. Dr. Nam-Chen Chan's vision for such communities and offering steps to make this vision a reality.

Continuum on Becoming a Multiracial and Multicultural Church - Explore these handouts from McSpadden's "Meeting God at the Boundaries" that offers perspective on the journey of moving from lack of cultural awareness to becoming a multi-cultural church.

The Color of Church: A Biblical and Practical Paradigm for Multiracial Churches - Hear from Rodney Woo, former Pastor of one of the nation's most successful multiracial congregations, on how to develop healthy and biblically-based multiracial churches.

One Body, One Spirit: Principles of Successful Multiracial Churches - Check out George Yancey's short and sweet book on principles for leading a successful multiracial church. Do note, however, that Yancey's research on worship has been qualified and expanded by Gerardo Marti in A Mosaic of Believers. If you're interested in worship in multiracial congregations, be sure to explore Marti's more updated and nuanced work.

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Loving Everybody is Powerful

How has 2018 been for you? James Seaton shares reflections on the summer of 2018 in Boston and where we’re at as the Church.

Loving Everybody is Powerful

by James Seaton

“When we were told to love everybody, I had thought that that meant everybody.”
— James Baldwin

The summer of 2018 evoked in me a complex mix of positive and negative emotions.

I witnessed my beautiful, intelligent sister graduate from her Long Island high school. Amidst the burgers, jokes, and laughter during our family celebration at IHOB (IHOP? IHOB? I can’t keep up), I felt as close to my family as I ever have. At the same time, I was saddened to learn about the thousands of immigrant children separated from their parents at the Mexico-United States border.

I had the pleasure of immersing myself in beautiful Boston neighborhoods such as Dorchester and the South End as part of my summer internship in city missions. But I also learned about how wealthy residents have moved into these same neighborhoods and, whether they meant to or not, have contributed to increases in rent, making way for the displacement of lower income, long-time residents.

In my living situation, I experienced the embrace of a diverse Christian community of 11 students from places ranging from Singapore to New York. But I also watched the news as White Americans called the police on others with darker skin just for using a coupon or selling water.

Such is this world—a place full of dichotomies and complexity.

James Seaton (center), Rev. Cynthia Bell (back left), director of EGC’s Starlight homelessness ministry, Stacie Mickelson (back center), EGC director of Applied Research & Consulting, Liza Cagua-Koo (back right), EGC assistant director.

James Seaton (center), Rev. Cynthia Bell (back left), director of EGC’s Starlight homelessness ministry, Stacie Mickelson (back center), EGC director of Applied Research & Consulting, Liza Cagua-Koo (back right), EGC assistant director.

Love and the Church

I have often asked myself whether we, the Church, are loving well in these times. The Church—what began as a small group of people following Jesus, sacrificing their money and possessions to help others and spread the gospel, a group some predicted would become irrelevant—has developed into a body of over two billion people.

I’ve heard many stories about how the Church as the Body of Christ has been a positive agent of change. In my own life, I’ve witnessed how much I’ve matured  because of the community surrounding me at my home church, the House of Judah, in Long Island. I believe that the Church has had a unique ability to tackle tough individual and broad-spectrum issues like racism, homelessness, poverty, lack of healthcare, and more. But all of that begins with one word: love.

In one of my favorite Bible passages, Titus 3:3-4 (ESV), Paul writes that he and Titus were once “hated by others and hating one another,” until the “goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared.” We now have the Holy Spirit to aid us in loving everyone—even those who are not like us or who do not agree with us.

Despite this message of hope and truth, the Church has sometimes struggled to love. Many perceive a lack of love within the Church as some Christians demonstrate hatred towards undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers, remain silent on racism and police brutality, condone misogyny, and take a pro-birth but not pro-life stance.

Because of this, some brothers and sisters have decided to leave the Church. James Baldwin, a prominent gay, Black author of the 20th century who once identified as a Christian, is one example of someone who immersed himself in the Church and, after finding various hypocrisies, decided to abandon it. In a sobering paragraph in The Fire Next Time, he writes,

“The transfiguring power of the Holy Ghost ended when the service ended, and salvation stopped at the church door. When we were told to love everybody, I had thought that that meant everybody. But no. It applied only to those who believed as we did, and it did not apply to white people at all. I was told by a minister, for example, that I should never, on any public conveyance, under any circumstances, rise and give my seat to a white woman. White men never rose for Negro women. Well, that was true enough, in the main - I saw his point. But what was the point, the purpose of my salvation if it did not permit me to behave with love toward others, no matter how they behaved toward me? “

In this instance, Baldwin speaks about agape love, the sacrificial love by which we love everyone, even those who have hurt us or have a different skin color.

This summer, I was an intern at the Emmanuel Gospel Center and on Boston summer mission with Cru, a Christian campus ministry. In my time there, I experienced several ways that I and others can better love one another.

2018 EGC Interns praying together: Chelsie Ahn (left), James Seaton, (center), and Evangeline Kennedy (right).

2018 EGC Interns praying together: Chelsie Ahn (left), James Seaton, (center), and Evangeline Kennedy (right).

Love Others As You Love Yourself

First, to love others, it is critical both to understand and love yourself. True self-understanding starts with confronting our personal myths. In The Fire Next Time, Baldwin writes,

The American Negro has the great advantage of having never believed that collection of myths to which white Americans cling: that their ancestors were all freedom-loving heroes, that they were born in the greatest country the world has ever seen, or that Americans are invincible in battle and wise in peace.

What myths do we cling to, as individuals or as the body of Christ? Whom do we believe ourselves to be? Whom does God say that we are? I think that, by coming to a clear understanding of who we are, we can then treat ourselves with love and empathy.

Love Reaches Out

Secondly, it is critical to get to know people across dividing lines—whether it be friends, neighbors, or leaders of various organizations.

I regret that I have often prioritized comfort and individualism over relational development and sacrifice. I’ve preferred to stay within my room at Cornell University or the box of my schedule without making time to be interruptible or learn more about the community that I inhabit.

Love Pays the Cost

Perhaps the hardest lesson I’ve learned is that to love means to sacrifice or “do the hard thing.” To love those who hate us is a sacrifice of pride and personal will, as well as a representation of Jesus’ love for us. The great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in a sermon entitled, Love Your Enemies, said,

Click on the image to hear Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King give the sermon, Love Your Enemies.

Click on the image to hear Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King give the sermon, Love Your Enemies.

Another way that you love your enemy is this: When the opportunity presents itself for you to defeat your enemy, that is the time which you must not do it...That is the meaning of love. In the final analysis, love is not this sentimental something that we talk about. It’s not merely an emotional something. Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men.

Loving someone who hates us or looks at the world differently from us is difficult. But the Holy Spirit equips us to complete this action in a society in which hate is rampant in various forms. “That,” as King says it, “is the meaning of love.”

I hope that we as individuals and as the Body of Christ will love everybody better in the future: the homeless veteran, the hungry child, the immigrant fleeing dangerous circumstances back home, the widow, and any other person we may deem challenging to understand and help.


James pic edited.png

James Seaton is a senior at Cornell University, studying communication. In 2018, James interned with EGC’s Applied Research & Consulting. His research focused on urban housing and racial justice.

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5 Mind-Blowing Realities About Race (That White People May Not Know)

Many White people may be surprised by some of the most basic realities of racism in America today. Don’t be one of them—get informed in this article from EGC’s Race & Christian Community initiative REWE, Race Education for White Evangelicals.

5 Mind-Blowing Realities About Race (That White People May Not Know)

by Megan Lietz

Megan Lietz, MDiv, STM, directs Racism Education for White Evangelicals (ReWe), a program of EGC’s Race & Christian Community Initiative. The intended audience of ReWe ministry and writing is White Evangelicals (find out why). 

Race is a complicated subject. We’re all at various points of understanding race issues and their impact. I want to share five realities White people may not know that I believe can transform our perspectives about race.

Reality #1. Society—not biology—defines race.

Differences in skin color have existed throughout history. But the meaning we in the U.S. ascribe to skin color is an artificial social construction that emerged in the 17th century—and has changed over time.

No genes are shared by all members of a given race that determine qualities by racial classification. Our experience as racialized beings isn’t defined by our biology, but by our society.

Racial classifications have shifted over time based on the interests and influence of people in power. In the 20th century, Irish, Italian, Greek, Jewish, and Eastern European people were all considered “non-White,” and they experienced discrimination because they were not considered a part of the dominant racial group.

These groups gained privilege only when those in power expanded the definition of Whiteness to include their nationality. Similarly, people of color who petitioned for “White” status were denied it, based on changing—and, at times, contradictory—legal interpretations that allowed White people to define racial classification.

To learn more about how the concept of race is rooted in society, not biology explore this interactive website or this article from National Geographic.

To learn more about how the social construct of race developed over time, click here.

Because society has ascribed meaning to race, inequality is both created and dismantled by working towards societal change.

Reality #2. Racism Goes Beyond Interpersonal Interactions

What first comes to mind when you hear the word “racism”? You may picture personal biases or racist interactions between people. While this is one form of racism, organizations and social systems can also take actions that uphold the reality of racism.



Race-based beliefs and feelings within individuals.

E.g., consistently believing that your way of doing things is better than that of your colleagues of color.


Bigotry and biases shown between individuals through word and action.

E.g., leaders exclude people of color from a team because they “just aren’t a good fit with the team dynamic.”


Discriminatory policies and practices within organizations and institutions.

E.g., resumes that have Black-sounding names are 50% less likely to get called for an interview compared to people with White-sounding names.


Ongoing racial inequalities maintained by society.

E.g., in 2015, the median net worth for White families in the Boston area ($247,500) towered over that of Hispanic ($3,020 for Puerto Ricans, $2,700 for other Hispanics) and Black families ($12,000 for “Caribbean Blacks” and $8 for “U.S. Blacks”). Additionally, in 2014, Asian American individuals in Boston were more than two times as likely to find themselves in poverty compared to their White counterparts.

Total Assets and Net Worth By Race in the Boston Area

Data from Federal Reserve Bank, March 25, 2015,


Because racism exists on many levels, racism can be at work in dynamics that don’t seem obviously racist. So we can contribute to racism without awareness or intention to do so.

Reality #3. Individuals can have an unintentional racist impact.

There’s false binary thinking in many people’s minds about racism that sounds like this: “Good people aren’t racist, racist people are bad people.” But well-intentioned people can have a racist impact without knowing it. Below are some realities that contribute to unintentional racist impacts.

Systemic racism

As larger social systems perpetuate racism (see Reality #2), people don’t have to be ill-intentioned, or even aware that they are helping these systems to do so. By supporting organizations and systems that contribute to racial injustice, we are complicit in their racist impacts.  

Implicit biases

Unconscious personal biases and stereotypes shape how we see and respond to situations. We all have biases that don’t match our explicit beliefs. We may believe God created all people in his image and we should show no favoritism. But our unconscious reactions may not uphold this belief.

For example, we may think that we don’t see Black men any differently than anyone else. But when we’re walking down the street at night, if we find ourselves holding on to our belongings a little tighter when we pass by a Black man, that’s a flag for us that we’re conditioned to see Black men as more dangerous than others.

This one-pager clarifies common misunderstandings about implicit bias—how it operates, and what we can do about it.

This one-pager clarifies common misunderstandings about implicit bias—how it operates, and what we can do about it.

This test that can help reveal some of your own implicit biases.

This test that can help reveal some of your own implicit biases.

Intent vs. Impact

What we say or do can have a different impact than what we mean. Even if we act with the best of intentions, by the time our action is translated through a history of overt discrimination, we may hurt another person in ways we didn’t anticipate.


A Christian leader who lives in a largely White area of the suburbs is motivated to partner with city leaders for broader ministry impact. She enters a gathering with urban leaders who are mostly people of color and proceeds to “school” the city leaders about the importance of collaboration. She is assuming God wasn’t already working in the city in those ways, reinforcing historically degrading narratives about leadership capacity and the gifts of God among people of color. Such assumptions can be offensive to urban leaders of color and have a counterproductive impact, in race relations and beyond.

We are broken people in a broken world. Because we contribute to the problem, we bear a measure of responsibility in helping make things right.

Reality #4. Racism is a daily stressor to people of color.

A Day in the Life: How Racism Impacts Families of Color. Click on the infographic to expand.

A Day in the Life: How Racism Impacts Families of Color. Click on the infographic to expand.

Racism doesn’t just exist when people of color experience occasional, blatant, intentional racism. Racism profoundly impacts people’s daily experiences, both in everyday interactions and in ongoing disparities.

Subtle Racist Jabs are Commonplace, Accepted

People of color endure slights, indignities, and insults on a regular basis. These may come from people who don’t mean harm, but who don’t have the cultural awareness to know that what they are saying or doing may be hurtful. These incidents are called microaggressions.

For example, asking a person of Asian descent, “Where are you from?” may seem innocent. But remember that they get asked this question—sometimes in hostility—more often than you. The question implies that they aren’t American born. If they are American, it can make them feel like they don’t belong in their homeland, or aren’t welcome. While each incident may seem minor, repeated experiences add up to a demoralizing impact over time. “Did you grow up around here?” is a less presumptuous way to ask the same question.

See this chart of a broad list of microaggressions, what they can subtly communicate, and why they are problematic.

Disparities in Daily Life

People of color endure systemic racial inequalities in their everyday life. For example, a national study reveals that a majority of those in Black communities feel that racism has a negative impact on their daily experiences of neighborhood safety (80%), access to quality public schools (73%), access to financially viable jobs (78%) and access to quality, affordable healthcare (74%).  

Take a look at this infographic for more examples and consider the way these realities might impact your life.

Microaggressions and systemic disparities have a demonstrated negative impact on the mental and physical well being of people of color. The stressors created by regular experiences of discrimination have been correlated with and are thought to cause both a measurable psychological burden and long-term adverse health outcomes.

While White people can choose how often to engage with issues related to race, racism is part of the daily experiences and stressors of people of color.

Reality #5. Racism Harms All of Us

Racism is one of the sins the enemy uses to separate people from God and one another.

God created humanity in right relationship with himself and each other. But when sin entered the scene, our relationships became broken, divorced from God’s design. Racism in America idolizes White physical features and White values as supreme over those of others, denying that all people are equally image bearers of God.

The negative impact of racism on White people doesn’t compare to its effects on people of color. But everyone is degraded by a culture sick with sin. Living in a society that elevates White values as supreme over others diminishes White people in the following ways.

As people of a dominant culture, White people may be more likely to do the following:

  • Be unreflective and unquestioning about our cultural values and assumptions.

  • Have a diminished capacity to persevere in the face of obstacles or discomfort.

  • Experience fear, anxiety, guilt, or shame around issues of race, and react in broken ways as a result.

  • Feel barriers to authentic and intimate relationships with people of color, as well as with White people who have different opinions on race.

  • Hold an incomplete view of God, as our theology and faith traditions are shaped mostly (or exclusively) by a Euro-American perspective.

  • Contribute to racial tension, hatred, and violence in our homes, communities, and world.

  • Have more limited imagination and creativity due to complacency in the status quo.

  • Have more limited exposure to the enriching cultures, perspectives, and assets of people of color.

  • Struggle to work across racial lines in addressing shared concerns and contributing to an improved society.

Reflection Question

How have you been diminished by a society that assumes the supremacy of White values?


Racism is one more reminder that we live in a fallen and hurting world—a world where the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy in ways we can and can’t see. But with God, there’s hope of redemption. God continues to call humanity back to himself, working to restore the right relationships God intended in creation.

We have much work yet to do. God, through Jesus’ death and resurrection, has redeemed and is redeeming us in our brokenness. God can heal us and make us agents of healing as we invite him to do transformative work in our lives.  

Pray with me

Lord, help me to see where I’m blind.

Help me to reflect on what you are showing me, even when it makes me uncomfortable.

Help me to open myself up to your work in me so that I can experience freedom, healing, and wholeness.

Help me to be a part of the restorative work you’re doing in the world. Amen. 

Take Action

Racism is complex and multi-layered. If simple answers were enough, racism would not persist as it does today. We believe that growing as an agent of racial healing happens best in a learning community. RCCI cohorts are White evangelicals learning together about race.

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Boston Racism: Pathways for Spirit-Led Action

To express Jesus' love in these times, Boston White Evangelicals will want to face the realities of the city's racism. Find pathways for reflection and action, suitable for both starters and veterans in the struggle for racial understanding and reconciliation, with links to the Boston Globe Spotlight on Boston Racism.

Boston Racism: Pathways for Spirit-Led Action

By Megan Lietz, Director of EGC’s ReWe Initiative

Megan Lietz, MDiv, STM, directs Racism Education for White Evangelicals (ReWe), a program of EGC’s Race & Christian Community Initiative. The intended audience of ReWe ministry and writing is White Evangelicals (find out why).

Black people in Boston are treated differently than White people to this day. The Boston Globe’s compelling December 2017 Spotlight on Boston racism examines how.

Church, Jesus calls us to a love that heals, restores, and sets free. To express Jesus' love in these times, we must take the time to understand the problem of racism in Boston. It negatively shapes the daily experiences and life paths of people of color, who make up more than half of the Boston community. But no one is exempt from its influence. Racism impacts people of all races—in heart, mind, spirit, and body.

If you haven't done so already, I urge you to prayerfully read the Boston Globe’s spotlight on racism, linked below. Following that, I also offer some pathways forward—questions for reflection and suggestions for Spirit-led action. May we engage what it means for us to bear Christ’s presence in our communities today. 




A quick overview of the Boston Globe's Spotlight Series on Race in Boston


Full Series


Boston. Racism. Image. Reality: The Spotlight Team takes on our hardest question

Though Boston is commonly perceived as a progressive city, many Black people feel unwelcome here.


A brand new Boston, even whiter than the old 

If people of color are not given genuine influence in city planning and development, existing channels of power will favor the status quo.


Color line persists, in sickness as in health

Black and White people are three and four times more likely to attend certain hospitals than others, thus shaping their access to medical care.


Lost on campus, as colleges look abroad

Highly-recruited international students are coming to Boston at the expense of serving the African-American community in our own backyard.


The bigot in the stands, and other stories

Our celebrated sports teams have revealed and contributed to the racist reputation we’d like to shake.


For blacks in Boston, a power outage

Though Boston is a “minority-majority” city, the power holders in politics, business, and law are overwhelmingly White.


A better Boston? The choice is ours

Seven suggestions for addressing racism in our city.



Don’t stop at reading the articles themselves—learn from readers' responses:

Boston Globe Race Series Not News To City’s Blacks, Shocks White Readers

An Editorial from the YW

Readers Offer Solutions After Globe’s Series on Race in Boston

Series about Race in City Sparking Dialogues


Pathways Forward

Prayerfully consider how you can contribute to God’s restorative work, and inspire others to do the same. Together, let’s nurture racial healing and justice in our city.

If Boston’s racism is news to you

  • Let it sink in. Create space and take time just to mourn the loss of what you thought Boston was. Explore your thoughts, feelings, and questions with God in prayer.

  • Consider sharing what you're learning with a trusted friend. Be mindful that this conversation can be emotionally taxing to friends of color.

  • Explore further with me and other White Evangelicals in a race learning community.

  • Throughout, listen for God’s invitations. What might God be asking you to learn more about? Who is God calling you to connect with or come alongside? How are you called to be further equipped?


If you’re aware of Boston’s racism, but not taking action

Here in Boston, a city known as a liberal bastion, we have deluded ourselves into believing we’ve made more progress than we have. Racism is certainly not as loud and violent as it once was, and the city overall is a more tolerant place. But inequities of wealth and power persist, and racist attitudes remain powerful, even if in more subtle forms...Boston’s complacency with the status quo hobbles the city’s future.
— Boston. Racism. Image. Reality: The Spotlight Team takes on our hardest question (Boston Globe Spotlight on Racism, December 2017)
  • Connect with others already taking action. Many Christian leaders have been working to further racial justice in Boston for years, decades, generations. One starting point is to spend time learning about their work and ask how you might support them. 

  • Beware that sometimes inaction can stem from comfort, callousness, or complicity with a racist status quo. Prayerfully consider if your current inaction is accompanied by a willingness to rationalize, minimize, accept, and ultimately contribute to the problem.

  • Ask the Lord to increase your capacity for action. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you specific steps you can take in your family, church, community, or workplace to engage in racial healing and restoration.

  • Reach out to me for recommendations, for people to connect with, resources to explore, or a race learning community to join.


If you’re actively addressing Boston racism

  • Consider how God might be inviting you to refreshment or renewal in your work towards racial justice.

  • Reflect: What assets (skills, resources, relationships) are available to you for continuing Christ’s restorative work? What further assets could be available through prayer? Collaboration?

  • Join the Racism in Boston Facebook Group and share your ideas for how other parts of the Body could come alongside what God is already doing in racial healing in Boston. 


Take Action

  • Join a ReWe race learning community for White Evangelicals

  • Discuss your ministry’s needs in addressing racism and how ReWe can support you

  • Volunteer with the ReWe project

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Not That Kind of Racism

Well-meaning people can act in ways that have racist impacts they wouldn't want. Don't be one of these people! Learn all you can to avoid being an accidental racist through this heartfelt reflection.


Not That Kind of Racism

How Good People Can Be Racist Without Awareness or Intent

By Megan Lietz

Megan Lietz, MDiv, STM, directs Racism Education for White Evangelicals (ReWe), a program of EGC’s Race & Christian Community Initiative. The intended audience of ReWe ministry and writing is White Evangelicals (find out why).

In the tragedies of Charlottesville, VA, as a White person, it’s easy for me to see such hate and think, “How awful! That’s racist. Thank God I’m not a racist like that.” In doing so, I affirm my sense of being a good moral person and find comfort in the fact that I’m not like those I’m condemning.

In reality, White people cannot separate ourselves from the problem of racism. Even if we consciously reject racism, the biases and behaviors that contribute to and sustain injustice crop up in our actions. Racism persists not because of the hate of a few White supremacists, but because well-intentioned White people regularly contribute to racial inequity in ways that we may not be aware of or intend.


Expanding our View of Racism

Institutional and structural Racism

While interpersonal racism between people is still common, racism occurs as much if not more at the organizational and systemic level, which can be more difficult for White people to recognize.


For example, people with Black-sounding names are 50% less likely to get called for an interview compared to people with White-sounding names. This bias is one of many contributors to vast disparities between the median net worth of White people as compared with Black people or Hispanic people.

Implicit Bias

How we see and respond to situations is shaped by unconscious personal biases and stereotypes. We all have them, and they don’t necessarily align with our explicit beliefs. These can come out in casual interactions that can make people of color feel disrespected or devalued. They can also have a broader impact when shaping the decisions of policymakers, the prescriptions of doctors, or the actions of law enforcement agents.


To perpetuate racism, people don’t have to be ill-intentioned, or even aware they are contributing to injustice. By not actively resisting racist dynamics—and sometimes even by attempting to do so without proper understanding—we can contribute to a system that sustains inequality and racism.


Reflecting On Our Experiences

White people need education and reflection to see how we may be participating in injustice. We must look inward with openness, intentionality, and humility.

I’ve uncovered racism in my own life—how I’ve participated in it, benefited from it, and perpetuated it—which I share below. May my examples inspire your reflection, awareness, and action.




Institutional racism is discriminatory rules, policies, and practices within organizations or institutions.

  • I’ve supported businesses known to treat people of color in unfair ways because using their services was convenient for me.

  • I’ve encouraged ways of thinking and doing that reflect my culture. For example, I feel that a meeting has gone well if we’ve followed my linear-thinking agenda, avoided conflict, and produced certain kinds of outputs. I tend to devalue people who don’t excel in the skill sets I value and prefer to work with people who think and act like me. If the leadership of my organization shares my lens on what “being effective” or having a good meeting looks like, I’ll thrive while people from other cultural experiences, who may have their own methods and practices for effectiveness that are just as valid, will be at a disadvantage.

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My Structural Racism

Structural racism is persistent racial injustice worked into and maintained by society.

  • Media and historical narratives that paint White people as dominant leaders and valuable assets have shaped my self-perception. I have assumed my presence and leadership is desired even in spaces where racially I am in the numerical minority. I’ve had to learn to be intentional about taking a support role.

  • Because, historically, people of my skin color have had economic opportunities unavailable to people of color, my family and I had the financial resources to buy a home—one in a predominantly Black neighborhood. While we moved with the intent to learn from and invest in our community, we also contributed to gentrification and its associated displacement.

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My Implicit Biases

Implicit biases are unconscious personal biases and stereotypes.

  • White ideologies have shaped in me a pro-White view of how the world works. I grew up with the belief that people can succeed if they try. As a result, when I interact with people of color who are struggling, my initial reaction may be that they need to work harder, must be doing something wrong, or don’t have what it takes, rather than considering the impact of systemic racism.

  • After hearing a Black man talking about the ways he loves and cares well for his daughter, I found myself being especially encouraged. Upon further reflection, I realized that I wouldn’t have had the same response to a White man because I would’ve expected him to be a good father. Sadly, my encouragement came from an expectation that men of color are less likely to be involved fathers.

  • I spoke Spanish to a woman who appeared to be Hispanic/Latino, assuming it was her first language. Though this was my attempt to value her culture, she could’ve perceived it as reflecting a belief that people from her ethnic group don’t speak English, or must speak Spanish.



A Call to Self-Reflection

In acknowledging ways we’ve been perpetuating racism, we need not label ourselves as bad people. We need not declare we are “a racist,” in the sense that we often use that label—as a damning marker of our identity.

But we must admit that we can, and often do, perpetuate racism. We can have a racist impact, even without intent or awareness.

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Acknowledging our potential for racist impacts is the first step in changing our thoughts and behavior. We can lead in our spheres of influence by first changing ourselves.

Exploring our racist tendencies isn’t an easy journey. But we can make real progress, one step at a time, empowered by God’s grace. I invite you to join me in self-reflection.

Reflection Questions

  1. How do any of my life’s examples of institutional or structural racism resonate with your experiences?

  2. As you discover any unjust attitudes or behaviors, how might you want to connect with God about it—in expressing lament or confession, in seeking wisdom, forgiveness, courage, or hope? What does the Gospel mean for you in this moment?

  3. Do you notice attitudes or behaviors in your workplace, church, or other groups you participate in that contribute to racial disparity and division? With whom could you share your concerns?


Take Action

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Stopping Racism Starts Here: 5-Minute Entry Points

Racism in Boston is a big problem. But the road to racial harmony starts with a single step. Check out these recommended videos and special features, each of which take under five minutes to explore.

Stopping Racism Starts Here

Five-Minute Entry Points


by Megan Lietz, EGC Race & Christian Community Initiative


Busy? We get that. Troubled by racism? Good. Here are five resources you can explore in under five minutes about racism in America today.


The current face of racism

Some forms of racism—the legalized segregation in Jim Crow laws, for example—are thankfully behind us. But other forms of systemic racism—such as the mass incarceration of Black men—still create inequitable experiences for people of color to this day.

The Racism is Real video by Brave New Films explores some everyday ways racism creates different experiences for White and Black people today.

Racism is Real

April 29, 2015


How RacisT History Impacts Today

Do you live in a pretty homogeneous neighborhood? Most people in the US do. While we may like to think that where we call home is shaped by our personal preferences or “just the way things are," the racially segregated neighborhoods we live in today are the product of our history.

Play around on PBS’ Race: The Power of Illusion website to learn how housing policies in the 20th century have had a profound impact on today’s neighborhoods and the resources that are available to them.

Race: The Power of Illusion


Implicit Bias

No one likes to think they’re biased. The six brief Who, Me? Biased? videos from the New York Times explore how we have all been unconsciously shaped to have biases. When we recognize this, we can see that even good, well-intentioned people can contribute to inequality. We’re all part of the problem.

The good news is that, with education and exposure, we can all take steps to be less biased. We can take intentional action towards equality.

Who, Me? Biased?



One thing that I often hear among White people is that they are “color-blind.” This is intended  as a positive comment, implying that they don’t treat people differently based on the color of their skin. While well-intentioned, this lens can be counterproductive. This article by Jon Greenberg explains why.

Greenberg, Jon. “7 Reasons Why ‘Colorblindness’ Contributes to Racism Instead of Solves It.” Everyday Feminism. N.p., 20 July 2016.

Greenberg, Jon. “7 Reasons Why ‘Colorblindness’ Contributes to Racism Instead of Solves It.” Everyday Feminism. N.p., 20 July 2016.



Microaggressions are day-to-day things we may say or do that can hurt people of color, sometimes without our intending or realizing it. Check out this Buzzfeed photo journal for some examples of microaggressions.

21 Racial Microaggressions You Hear On a Daily Basis


To explore a broader list of microaggressions, what they can subtly communicate, and why they are problematic, check out this chart:


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What do you think is the next step in dismantling racism?

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Churches Engaging Race Issues: Not Perfect but Taking Strides

White evangelicals are going deeper in racial justice, but still have much work to do. Three churches in the Boston area tell their stories.

Churches Engaging Race Issues: Not Perfect but Taking Strides

by Casey Lauren Johnson, Summer 2017 BETA Associate with Race & Christian Community

In March, 2017, Megan Lietz, Director of the new Race & Christian Community Initiative at EGC, released a call to action for White evangelicals to engage in issues of race. As we challenge White evangelicals to engage, we also want to celebrate those who are already doing so, and hold them up as an example for others. In this post we highlight the stories of three local congregations engaging in issues of race. We hope they will inspire you—and encourage you to action.

A Church Awakening to RACE ISSUES

River of Life Church, Boston, MA

There was a long, slow build of momentum as River of Life Church—a predominantly White congregation in Jamaica Plain—began to address the issue of not just racial diversity but racial equality. 

It started with the voice of one individual, Ellen Bass, who had been involved with racial reconciliation for some time and wanted to see her congregation join in. Not everyone was on board, but there was enough support within the senior leadership to get some momentum going.  

Their efforts began in earnest about two years ago with the formation of a Racial Equity Team. The team strategized about how best to address the issue of race within their congregation. They began with a four-week seminar series on issues of race for the entire congregation in place of worship services.  

A few months later, River of Life followed up with a training for their leadership. This culminated more recently with a church retreat, where race was one of the topics addressed.

One of the biggest challenges they faced was that people were at different places on their racial awareness journeys. Some people had no idea that racial inequality was still an issue, while others were actively involved in racial justice efforts.  

Emily and Rob Surratt, the leaders of the racial equity team, humbly admit they still have a lot to learn about racial reconciliation. While Rob had a deeper understanding of racial dynamics before taking leadership, Emily felt she didn’t know much, even as she volunteered to lead. In choosing to do so, she wasn’t confident in her own ability to engage issues of race, but was committed to learning more with the support of the community.

[Emily] wasn’t confident in her own ability to engage issues of race, but was committed to learning more with the support of the community.

River of Life knows that starting this conversation does not mean they have “arrived.” They want to encourage people by acknowledging that we all have work to do. We can all start where we are and make progress one step at a time.

Though the church views itself at the beginning of a sometimes frustrating and difficult process, they have high hopes for the future. They are eager to see what the Lord will do by his grace.

A Church Responding to Increasing Diversity

Grace Chapel, Multisite in Greater Boston

Grace Chapel—a multi-ethnic, multi-campus church—began addressing its increasingly diverse congregation in 1995. They started with efforts which simply celebrated the diverse expressions of culture within the congregation through luncheons they called the Grace International Fellowship. 

Over the course of years, their efforts grew to include ESOL classes, an International Student Ministry Team, and a Cultural and Urban Awareness Weekend. These ministries not only serve the diverse population within their midst, but also help the rest of the congregation learn from diverse perspectives among them.  

From these efforts, a Multicultural Initiative was created. Goals include recruiting diverse leadership, facilitating healthy multicultural relationships, creating a visible multicultural environment, and a commitment to ongoing education in these areas.  

Grace Chapel recognizes this process as a “marathon and not a sprint.” Creating and committing to these goals has been at times frustratingly slow, but ultimately rewarding.  

Grace Chapel's progress on multicultural issues has continued through a consulting engagement with the Interaction Institute for Social Change. They helped the church not only diversify its leadership, but create systems where people of color and people of non-majority cultures have a space at the table where they can share their voice.  

Grace Chapel recognizes this process as a “marathon and not a sprint.”

Dana Baker, the Pastor of Social Justice and Multicultural Ministry, celebrates the fact that Grace Chapel has now successfully planted a campus with no majority culture—a distinct accomplishment for churches who wish to reflect the diversity present in the Body of Christ within their congregations. 

Joelinda Johnson, who grew up in the congregation and has served on staff at Grace Chapel, says the church became a completely different place during the years she was away at college from 2007-2012. She saw her church go from having a “pocket of diversity” to having people of color in several areas of leadership. She comments, however, while there are a larger number of people of color serving in lay leadership, there is still a ways to go in hiring staff staff of color. 

Grace Chapel is glad for the work God has done and excited for what he will continue to do as they seek to serve the racially diverse communities of Greater Boston. 

Churches Forming Friendships Across Racial Lines

North River Community Church, Pembroke, MA & People’s Baptist Church, Boston, MA

For pastors Rev. Dr. Wesley Roberts of People’s Baptist Church (a historically Black congregation) and Paul Atwater of North River Community Church (a predominantly White congregation), racial difference was a reality, but not a motivating factor for their relationship. 

An informal connection between the two leaders, while serving on the Congress Committee for Vision New England in 2005, grew into a fruitful “Urban-Suburban Partnership.” They didn’t begin with racial reconciliation in mind—and yet they’ve developed the type of healthy, cross-racial partnership for which many people strive.  

Rather than focusing on their differences, the pastors built their relationship on common ground. They connected over shared theology and values. They united in their shared goal to bring the gospel first to the city then to the ends of the earth. 

In 2010, that goal began to be realized through their congregations teaming up to serve schools in Roxbury. This partnership allowed their congregants unique opportunities to serve the city of Boston while developing friendships across racial lines. 

Both congregations have been able to develop a deep appreciation not only for the strengths, but also for the differences between their congregations. In fact, recognizing and addressing their different approaches to congregational leadership was an integral step in developing their partnership. 

The pastors admit they didn’t know just what they were getting into when their partnership began. But they and their congregations have been mutually blessed. Rev. Dr. Roberts and Pastor Atwater hope to see more partnerships between urban and suburban churches, which they believe can happen when pastors simply get to know and appreciate one another.


For church leaders looking to develop relationships with leaders from other churches, Kelly Steinhaus of UniteBoston recommends choosing a leader from another church in the same geographical area as yours. You’ll have common ground (literally) as you reach across a dividing line or two and share your common love for Jesus and your city.

The pastors built their relationship on common ground.

One of the most rewarding parts of their relationship has been the realization that friendships created between the two congregations will far outlast any formal partnership. These congregations serve as examples of God meeting people where they are and performing the work of reconciliation in hearts and minds. 



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Casey Johnson is pursuing a Master of Arts in Religion at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, and served as a summer 2017 EGC Intern with the Race and Christian Community Initiative.  She first became interested in racial reconciliation efforts as a result of missions in Tijuana, Mexico, and service at an urban youth organization through the AmeriCorps.  As a White evangelical, she wants to use the unique cross-racial opportunities and relationships she has experienced to help others engage issues of race in meaningful ways.  


How Are We Doing?

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Reconciliation in Troubled Times

Our country is deeply divided. What part can we play in healing the nation's racial wounds? And where do we start? 

By Rev. Dr. Dean Borgman and Megan Lietz, STM

 Includes excerpts from “Reconciliation in Troubled Times”, the inaugural Dean Borgman Lectureship in Practical Theology, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, March 20, 2017

Megan Lietz is Director of Race & Christian Community at EGC. Her ministry focus is to help white evangelicals engage respectfully and responsibly in issues of race and racism.

Disclaimer from Megan Lietz: This post is based on a lecture from March, and not written in direct response to the Charlottesville violence. While not stated explicitly in this article, we condemn white supremacy in any form. Many congregations in Boston are working together to develop a unified response. I am in consultation with many Boston-area church and organizational leaders. I look forward to sharing the fruit of those collaborations for action planning.

Our society is deeply divided. These divisions can be found in our national, communal, and church life. From polarization between political parties to disagreements in our response to immigrants and refugees, these divisions are rooted in a fear and distrust of people different from ourselves.

These divisions are not recent phenomena. Rather, they are shaped by our history. How we see ourselves and others, and how we choose to interact with the world around us is colored by what has come before. Unfortunately, much of the division and inequality that has tainted our history was reinforced by faulty anthropologies, psychologies, and theologies that are still with us today in various forms.

We all have a part to play, and the Church should be responding.

Christians today, black or white, wealthy or poor, new or old to this country, must be concerned—be distressed—over our divisions and the inability of our system of economics and government to provide adequate remediation and relief to the suffering.

The God who freed the Hebrews and the American slaves, and who brought relief to the segregated and oppressed under Jim Crow—that God will hear the united cries of American Christians, should we humbly pray for justice. 

In the News: Boston Faith Leaders Responding to Charlottesville Violence

Begin with Lament

Lament is a biblical practice, where we acknowledge that things are not right—in the world, nation, community or church—and where we embrace our role and responsibility in it. Lament comes not out of a spirit of complaint. Rather, it invites God into the situation so healing and justice can occur.

For example, laments and confessions came from Moses, Daniel, Nehemiah and other prophets, and Christ on the Cross—for sins they didn’t individually commit. They were earnest, prayers of systemic confession.

Furthermore, of the 150 Psalms, the majority are Psalms of Lament. They provide us examples  and guides for the expression of our desire for social, political and church reconciliation.

Biblically, lament is often coupled with confession of how we have contributed to the problem at hand. When Nehemiah is lamenting over the broken walls and associated disgrace that had come upon Jerusalem, he first makes a confession:

LORD, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments… I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s family, have committed against you. We have acted very wickedly toward you... (Nehemiah 1: 5-7a, NIV)

Nehemiah was not born in the land where such injustice was taking place. He had never participated in the sins he was confessing. But he still confessed the sins of his people and lamented over them, even though he wasn't personally responsible.

We must reflect, lament, and confess today, whether or not we feel personally responsible. We all have a part to play, and we can all go before God to change ourselves and affect healing in our land.

Choose to be Reconcilers

After we lament the division around us, churches must make a choice to engage the division in our midst. Such work is not something that people enter into casually. Rather, it requires intentionality and effort.

Any church or group must first decide that they are committed to biblical social reconciliation. They should be committed to giving this important challenge some time and thought.

Study the Realities and Positive Examples

It's important that we learn more about the division around us and how to be agents of reconciliation. We could begin with understanding the biblical notion of reconciliation, centered on God's reconciling work in Jesus Christ. But we must also gain understanding of sociological, psychological, historical, and theological realities.

Consider the examples of Black churches under slavery, during Jim Crow, the Civil Rights Movement and continued discrimination. Their spirituals, their persistent prayers, and their courageous demonstrations invited collaboration, and slowly produced some measure of social justice. They provide countless examples of how to be agents of reconciliation in a broken and divided world.

We must also seek to understand the perspective of those today who are different from us—this is especially true for white evangelicals. It is very important that we invite the 'others' into conversation, and give them a chance to voice their own stories and hurts.

We can also learn from local organizations. Some of EGC's partners doing reconciliation work include:

Unite Boston

Unite Boston

Collaborate Across Lines

As we listen, we must also work together with people across dividing lines. We must reach across the chasm of differences and choose some shared Kingdom priorities in which we can invest. As we collaborate with "the other," healing takes place. As we engage with the other, we get glimpses of the coming Kingdom of God.

It is very important that we invite the ‘others’ who are different from us into conversation, and give them a chance to voice their own stories and hurts.

Imagine how you might be able to come together with others around shared kingdom values:

  • spending time with those outside our fortunate situations

  • hearing the stories of those who have been freed from oppression or rejuvenated, experiencing the hope of the seemingly hopeless

  • hearing the deep cries and music of the oppressed

  • seeing victims become survivors and then confident leaders

These are the “now-but-not-yet” experiences of God’s coming Kingdom. When we share mutual love, respect, and inspiration with those who because of our privilege have so much less, we experience something of God’s beloved community—a community of hope.



  • What does our city need from its churches?

  • How might churches collaborate in bringing peace and welfare to the city?

  • How can seminary educators collaborate with other serving and training organizations working for shalom—the peace and welfare of our city?



Are you a white evangelical who wants to join with others in a journey of respectful and responsible conversation and engagement of race and racism issues? 



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Resource List for Reconciliation in Troubled Times

The following list of resources, recommended by Professor Dean Borgman during his lecture “Reconciliation in Troubled Times,” provides ideas on how one might respond to the racial divisions of our time.

Resource List for Reconciliation in Troubled Times

Compiled by Megan Lietz and Dean Borgman

Prof. Dean Borgman mentioned these resources during his lecture – “Reconciliation in Troubled Times” – as one way that we might learn about how to respond to the division of our time. 

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander

The New Jim Crow is a powerful and provocative book that explains how the racism associated with the Jim Crow era has not been removed, but redesigned and perpetuated through the social ill of mass incarceration. This is a must-read for understanding how systemic racism still has a profound impact on communities of color today.

The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion Jonathan Haidt (2012)

In The Righteous Mind, social scientist Jonathan Haidt argues that our moral, political, and religious positions come more from our “gut feelings” than reason. He considers the implications this has on how we interact with people of differing persuasions and offers perspectives that can help us learn how to cooperate across dividing lines,

Roadmap to Reconciliation: Moving Communities into Unity, Wholeness and Justice by Brenda Salter McNeil

Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil presents a roadmap describing the journey people go through when working towards biblical reconciliation. This book helps people better understand the journey they may be on and equip themselves to progress on to personal and social transformation.

Toxic Inequality: How America’s Wealth Gap Destroys Mobility, Deepens the Racial Divide & Threatens Our Future by Thomas M. Shapiro

Sociologist Thomas Shapiro explores how the historically high economic inequality our country is experiencing must be understood in light of racial inequality. Together, this combination creates “toxic inequality” that must be named, understood, and addressed together to create a more just society.

Preaching Politics: Proclaiming Jesus in an Age of Money, Power, and Partisanship by Clay Stauffer

How can you address the divisive issues of our time in a politically diverse congregation? Preaching politics talks about how issues that underlie our differences, such as our view of money, materialism, and power, impact faith and can be responded to through the teachings of Jesus.

Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness and Reconciliation by Miraslav Volf

Croatian theologian, Miraslav Volf, addresses how we see “the other” in a negative light and calls us to move from a position of excluding those who are different from us to embracing them with the love of Jesus. He provides a theology of reconciliation that he believes, when lived, allows people to experience the healing power of the Gospel.

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White Evangelicals’ Candid Talk About Race: 6 Takeaways

What happens when a group of white evangelical Christians get together for candid conversation about race issues? Here are six takeaways from a starter conversation on April 1.

White Evangelicals’ Candid Talk About Race: 6 Takeaways

by Megan Lietz

[Last month I posted A Word to White Evangelicals: Now Is The Time To Engage Issues of Race, a call to action for beginning a journey toward respectful and responsible engagement with issues of race. As an action step, I invited white evangelicals to join me for small group conversation on race. The gathering took place April 1, 2017 at EGC. Here’s what we learned together from the experience.]

With little more than a few key questions and a spark of hope, I wasn’t sure how this first conversation would go. Under a surprise April snowstorm, I wasn’t even sure who would show up. But I sensed that God was in this. Having done my part, I was trusting God to do his.

One by one, eight white evangelical Christians filtered in. Men and women of different ages, life experiences, and church backgrounds came to the table with varied levels of awareness about race-related concerns. Against cultural headwinds of complacency and fear, these eight were ready for an open conversation about race.

Stepping Into the River

To frame our time together, I invited each person in the group to use the image of a river to depict their journey toward racial reconciliation. It was my hope that by recalling our experiences together, we could help one another imagine pathways ahead and find the support to move forward.

As people shared parts of their journey, we heard six unique stories. One man’s engagement with race issues began in the 1960s through his observation of racial discrimination at his university and his subsequent positive reaction toward the leadership of the Black Power movement. This got him thinking and eventually led him to visit a black church. One woman began to seriously think about race only weeks before our gathering because of an eye-opening grad school course.

We then used our river-journeys to reflect together on three simple questions: With regard to our engagement in issues of race...

  1. Where are we?

  2. Where do we want to be?

  3. What can we do to move forward?


As group members began to share their experiences wrestling with issues of race and culture, they did so with relief at the opportunity to speak openly. With a life-giving mix of humility and excitement, the group gave voice to the following shared insights.

1. We Remember A Time Before We Were Aware

Each white evangelical in the room remembered a time in their life before they were aware of the magnitude and significance of racial disparities today. As one participant put it, “I didn’t realize there was an issue. It is hard to know there are racial problems when living in racially homogeneous communities.”

Confronting basic, hard realities shifted their perspective, evidenced by comments such as these from various participants:

  • People of color are not treated the same as white people.

  • Ethnic injustice was an issue even in biblical times.

  • People make assumptions about people’s experiences and needs based on the color of their skin.

  • When people just go with the flow, they are unconsciously agreeing with what is going on.

2. We Have Personal Work To Do

The group broadly agreed on the need for white people to engage in personal learning and engage issues of race more effectively. One participant shared, “There are racist systems (that need to be addressed), but I also need to do a lot of [self-]work.”

Another, who became aware of the profound impact race has on people’s lives more recently, added, “Lack of knowledge keeps me from entering the conversation. I’m still learning, so I’m insecure.” A third participant asserted that white people need to do their learning and self-work both before and during their engagement across racial lines.

3. Story Sharing is Key

Many insights affirmed the power of story sharing to bring awareness and practical guidance. It is a helpful step for us to reflect on our own stories and be willing to be honest and vulnerable. It is essential to become good listeners, giving careful attention to the stories of our brothers and sisters of color. Some of our comments were:

  • White evangelicals have many things to learn from communities who look different from them.

  • We should share our own stories about our journey toward racial justice with our fellow white evangelicals.

  • We should take the posture not of “rescuers,” but of mutual learners.

  • Sharing our own story can impact others.

  • Engaging with white people and people of color who are both ahead of and behind us in the journey can be useful in understanding the self-work we need to do.

4. We Need More Skills to Do Hard Conversations Well

The group identified an obstacle in their work around race: limited skill for hard conversations. They attributed the problem to a lack of good models, especially within the white evangelical community, for listening, dialogue, and engaging conflict.

One participant said that white evangelicals are not good at engaging conflict. He went on to explain that, in his experience, people often announce their opinions in ways that shut down conversations rather than invite genuine dialogue. “When people are not listening and are argumentative, it’s difficult to have the conversations that propel people forward in their journey [toward racial reconciliation].”

5. We Need Brave Spaces

When discussing what these leaders would look for in a healthy conversation, they used words like “open,” “humble,” “honest” and “authentic.”

One participant observed, “Lack of [such spaces] keeps us locked in coasting mode or in the status quo.” Brave spaces to engage in uncomfortable conversation are needed for growth.

6. Growth Requires Ongoing Community

These white evangelicals were seeking brave spaces not just for conversation, but to walk with one another in community. One participant declared his need for a “community of inquirers… that address the current social tensions.”

Another added that single events, while helpful in sparking interest and fostering growth, are less effective in supporting lasting transformation. “We need continuity…There needs to be a group who is doing this work over a length of time.”

Pilot Cohort

With a shared longing to experience new ways of listening, dialoguing, and learning in community, the group committed to experiment together as a cohort for a time. The group agreed to use two upcoming meetings to discuss Debby Irving’s book Waking Up White. We will also attend a lecture with the author.

Through this pilot cohort in EGC’s new Race & Christian Community initiative, we aim to:

  • Create a space where the group can try, fail, learn, and grow.

  • Practice dialogue that nurtures respectful and responsible engagement around issues of race.

Take Action

Are you a white evangelical Christian interested in a similar, future cohort?

Do you have advice or resources that could help our cohort function more effectively?

Do you want to speak into the development of the Race & Christian Community initiative at EGC?

Please connect with us! We invite the insights of the community and are excited to see where the Lord may lead.

Megan Lietz, M.Div., STM, helps white evangelicals engage respectfully and responsibly with issues of race. She is a Research Associate with EGC's Race & Christian Communities ministry.

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