A Theology of Racial Healing

A Theology of Racial Healing

Today, issues related to race are sometimes seen as “liberal” or “political” issues. As a result, some Christians have disengaged from this important conversation, and this breaks the heart of God. Racial healing is first and foremost a biblical value. This article from the Race & Christian Community team explores a Biblical theology of racial healing.

COVID-19 & Churches: Meetings, Services & Reopening Info

Last updated June 8, 2020


COVID-19 & Churches: Meetings, Services & Reopening Info

reopening: advance planning

Reopening houses of worship: Boston’s Approach

from Mayor Walsh — May 19, 2020

Places of worship must take a very cautious approach and are urged to not reopen if they have doubts about being able to plan, implement, and monitor strict safety guidelines.

The Statewide “Safer at Home” policy remains in place, which advises against people 65 and older leaving home unless absolutely necessary. The Mayor urged seniors to adhere to the advisory and hold off on going back to places of worship, even if services restart. He also asked faith leaders to reach out to their elderly parishioners, to guide them and support them in putting safety first, and keep them connected in other ways. 

The City has been getting questions about church choirs and hymns. The Mayor says they shouldn’t happen yet, given the added risk of virus transmission from singing in addition to speaking. Face coverings must be worn at all times.

"The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them"

by Professor Erin Bromage 

When your church starts to plan for future reopening, consider carefully the information in this article, and the level of COVID-19 cases in your area. The article presents factual information and discusses the emerging science on COVID-19 in a colloquial way which is accessible to the general public. The examples can provide helpful background data.

Safety Standards for Places of Worship from the State of Massachusetts

On May 18th, Governor Baker allowed the limited reopening of houses of worship with mandatory requirements and recommended best practices and checklists. These fall under four categories – (1) Social distancing (2) Hygiene Protocols (3) Staffing and Operations (4) Cleaning and Disinfecting. The online documents should be read carefully, but they generally include standards such as operating at 40% or below capacity, wearing masks, childcare remaining closed, eliminating coffee hours & meals, cleaning and disinfecting between services, and if an attendee tests positive for COVID-19, following CDC guidelines for deep cleaning and disinfecting and also notifying the Local Board of Health for tracing and isolating those who have been in contact with the person. In addition to Massachusetts guidelines, see other suggested practices and details in the resources below. Keep in mind that people over the age of 65 and people who have underlying health conditions – who are at high risk for COVID-19 – should continue to stay home except for essential errands. 

Many Greater Boston churches envision reopening their church quite far in the future. But for those hoping to reopen sooner, it is important to carefully consider the logistics involved as well as government guidelines.

While the decisions about reopening churches will vary due to the size of churches and with city and state regulations, church leaders need to understand and create plans for the many needed adaptations for when reopening is the wise choice. Churches need to consider the welfare of the larger community as well as their own members.

If churches follow wise cautions, opening for services will still not be an immediate return to the way things were before.

  • Steps of preparation and phased stages of reopening need to be taken.

  • Churches renting space or sharing space face an uncertain future, dependent on the policies and decisions of the building owners.

The larger questions also need to be considered:

  • What have we as a church community learned about “being the church” during the stay-at-home time?

  • How will that impact our vision, structure, and practice going forward? 

Relaunching Church: How to Seize this Moment for Your Church’s Future. 

What do we want to take into the future from the present crisis? Thoughts on: “Four strategic stages in navigating a cultural crisis: (1) Stabilize (2) Normalize (3) Mobilize and (4) Futurize.” By Jeff Christopherson

Resources and Examples of Guidance from Denominations on Reopening 

The Massachusetts Council of Churches (scroll down the webpage)

“Covid Conversation: Re-Entry in the Black Church” webinar with church leaders recorded on Facebook

Resources and Guidelines for Reopening

A detailed set of suggested guidelines and practices to consider, from the Southern New England Ministry Network (of the Assemblies Of God) 

Overview of the CDC suggestions for reopening of churches by The Gospel Coalition 

Since these are national guidelines relating to many types of congregations, they are quite general. By Joe Carter


 Reopening Church: Discussions and Webinars 

We're not heading back to the way things used to be. We're opening a new chapter after what we've learned from this pandemic. From the Vanderbloemen organization

ADVICe on church meetings

Coronavirus and the Church: Best Advice, Articles, and News

Christianity Today Magazine

Guide to Christian Funerals During COVID-19

Mass Council of Churches

Remote Meetings Guide

How to set up small group church meetings with Google Hangouts and Zoom. Remote Meetings, a brief guide from Park Street Church.

Mastering Virtual Meetings

Describes the challenges and advantages of virtual meetings.    8 Tips to improve your online meetings.

How to Facilitate Effective Virtual Meetings

Beth Kanter, an experienced non-profit writer, provides detailed advice on virtual meetings.

What It Takes to Run a Great Virtual Meeting - Harvard Business Review

Preparing Your Church  for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

A step-by-step, research-informed and faith-based planning manual from Wheaton College


Plan de acción para iglesias latinas COVID-19

This four part action strategy from the National Latino Evangelical Coalition includes ideas for Care, Communication, Collaboration, and Resources for churches with practical suggestions for communication and ministry online.

Dios es nuestro amparo y fortaleza. En medio de cualquier crisis global, la Iglesia siempre ha sido parte de la solución. Únete y comparte este recurso con todos los que puedas para servir con amor y compasión a todos los que nos rodean. Los enlaces e información pueden ayudarnos ha compartir ideas y recursos para servir mejor a nuestras comunidades.


Warnings About “Zoombombing” 

Zoombombing is where malicious intruders join your Zoom call and display unwanted information. Be cautious in sharing zoom meeting information and invitations publicly. 

  • Advice from Tiffany Vail to avoid malicious intruders  

  • Video tutorial from Kristen Ferguson of Gateway Seminary 


Resources for Nonprofits Impacted by COVID-19 from Tech Soup

This website includes:

  • Tools to Support Remote Work

  • Policy Resources

  • Virtual Workshop: Managing the Impact of COVID-19 on Nonprofits

  • Free Courses from TechSoup

Faith on Facebook Resource Hub 

Many churches have a Facebook page and many churchgoers are familiar with Facebook. This online tool has potential to share information, broadcast services (using Facebook Live), develop groups, promote learning and raise support.  On the Resource Hub page see the downloadable “Faith on Facebook Toolkit” and “Getting Started with Groups” for more detailed instructions.

Free Church Online Platform

Designed specifically for ministry, the Church Online Platform  combines several church online controls into one free tool. With Chat, Live Prayer, and synced video streaming, Church Online Platform assists in doing church together.

Live-streaming & Promoting Church Services

During this time we here at WEZE 590am The Word and WROL 950am and 100.3 fm The Spirit of Boston, want to come alongside you to help spread the word that while the church doors may be temporarily closed, God’s Word is ALIVE and available online daily!

Our stations have created a NEW Church Service Live Streaming Page on wezeradio.com and wrolradio.com to share the link and broadcast times for your weekly church services. As a valued partner in ministry and as a community service, we want to include your church FREE OF CHARGE!  

Participation is easy! Just visit WEZE or WROL to submit your live stream link and service details. Shortly after you submit your information, your church will be added to our online guide and throughout the week we will encourage listeners – on-air and online - to check out this page for their weekly worship options.


Starter Resources on Race for White Evangelicals

Starter Resources on Race for White Evangelicals

You're White, and you want to engage responsibly and respectfully on race issues. You're an evangelical, and you believe the ministry of reconciliation is part of your calling as a follower of Jesus. Where do you begin? Check out these starter resources recommended by Megan Lietz, a White evangelical committed to helping other White evangelicals on their race journey.

COVID-19: Church Finances

Last updated June 1, 2020


COVID-19: Church Finances


Guide to Church Finances During Covid-19 - Mass Council of Churches

TOOLS for Online Giving





Agencia Alpha Emergency Funds for Immigrant Families  

If you or your family have been affected by the crisis created by COVID-19 and do not qualify for unemployment benefits and/or other state and federal aid, you may be eligible for financial assistance through the ALPHA Emergency Fund. This fund is to cover urgent needs such as paying rent, food and/or urgent charges. 

Eligible candidates must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • Being an immigrant over 18 years old without other emergency aid (Example: not being eligible for federal assistance and/or unemployment benefits)

  • Being an immigrant who recently lost his job due to COVID-19

  • Being an immigrant with children (under 18 years old) and/or other people who depend on and live with you

One Church Fund 

Through the One Church Fund, the Massachusetts Council of Churches prioritizes the financial, practical, and relational support of immigrant, Black, poor, unhoused, and unaffiliated churches. See the website for more information.

Loans / Grants for Churches through the CARES Act

The Payroll Protection Program is available to churches, nonprofits, and small businesses. This program provides loans through your local bank for 2.5 months of your organization’s average monthly payroll, and if used as directed these become forgivable loans, or in other words essentially grants. Beginning on Friday April 3, SBA (Small Business Administration) approved banks will begin accepting applications.

Loans for Churches - Mass Council of Churches

More detailed information and webinars.

CARES Act Grants & Loans - City Vision University     

Resource list on nonprofit government grants, loans, and the CARES Act.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Federal CARES Act Forgivable Loans to Churches (Paycheck Protection Program) 

Covers eligibility, qualifications to receive loans, autonomy of churches, religious freedom / legal requirements, and non-profit status.

CARES Act: A Guide to Financial Resources for Nonprofits

The NonProfit Times summary of the CARES Act provisions for non-profits.

The Boston Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund

One-time operating grants for Greater Boston non-profits whose operations address the basic needs of vulnerable populations and provide COVID-19-related relief.

United Way COVID-19 Family Support Fund

A dedicated resource for working families affected by the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The Boston Resiliency Fund

Focused on organizations that need support to modify or expand essential services that serve the immediate and basic needs of Boston residents. Priorities are to provide:

  • food to Boston's children, families and seniors

  • technology to Boston Public Schools students for remote learning

  • support to first responders, front-line workers and healthcare workers so they can effectively do their job and promote public health.

COVID-19 & Churches: Action Against Racism

COVID-19 & Churches: Action Against Racism

As we seek the Lord for how to respond to COVID-19 and reorient ourselves to this new reality, let's consider how racism is shaping our communities and how we can work to counter its impact through practical actions and compassionate faith. Learn more about COVID-19's disproportionate impact on communities of color and concrete steps you can take to work against racism.

COVID-19 & Churches: Youth Ministry

Last updated May 13, 2020


COVID-19 & Churches: Youth Ministry

The Institute for Youth Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary

Youth Ministry in a Pandemic offers content and links that provide guidance, ideas, research, and insight for those who minister with young people in an unprecedented cultural moment. The eight content areas are Theological Reflection, Mental Health Support, Digital Gatherings, Spiritual Formation, Leading while Learning, Worship & Liturgy, the New Normal- moving into the next phase, and “the Covid Summer.”

Paul and Angela Gorrel

Guide to Taking Youth Ministry Online offers detailed information and discussion starters on contemporary concerns of youth which have been heightened by the COVID-19 crisis. These concerns include disappointment, anxiety, loneliness, fear of rejection, pain, jealousy, shame, fear of failure, and anger. The guide also covers the Fruit of the Spirit. It explains how to survey one’s youth group on access to tech devices and tech skills with various tools and platforms. Other topics include small groups, ideas to get youth talking, prayer, Scripture reading, art, using technology to create community and resources on using the various social media platforms. Angela Gorrell is the author of Always On: Faith in a New Media Landscape.

Youthscape Resources

Coronavirus: A youth ministry liveblog. This website from England is a regularly-updated hub dedicated to helping youth leaders respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Youthscape offers Together Apart a short series of curriculum resources enabling you to explore life and faith with young people. It is designed specifically for use in the context of an online youth work session. Free download.

Search Institute  

If you take a look at the Search Institute Relationships Check, you may be able to see where your relationships with important young people in your life are particularly strong and where they can grow. If you answer the questions, you’ll receive actionable approaches and activities to strengthen relationships with young people in your life.

Download Youth Ministry (DYM)

Free youth ministry ideas & downloadable resources in the time of COVID-19 

Fuller Youth Institute

Doing Youth Ministry During a Pandemic - Steve Argue

Navigating New Territory: Moving Ministry Online - Lisa Hanle

Naming Loss and Gratitude with Young People in these Uncertain Days - Brad Griffin 

Urban Youth Workers Institute

6 Creative Ways to Engage Youth During Social Distancing - Susan Delano

Includes rap video “Corona Clap” by Dee-1.

National Network of Youth Ministries

Several useful blog posts for this time of crisis


Free Resource Hub

10 youth devotionals on the “Jesus Centered Life;” five virtual games bundles; free resources for children’s ministry.

Youth Ministry 360

COVID-19 Youth Ministry Resources  

A variety of practical resources & articles for youth workers 

COVID-19 & Churches: Employment


Last Updated May 13, 2020

COVID-19 & Churches: Employment

Jobs & Companies Hiring


The Newmarket Boston Jobs Initiative

The Newmarket Boston Jobs Initiative is committed to hiring local talent from the neighborhoods of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan into full-time jobs at our member and partner businesses.

Spreadsheet of Boston Companies Currently Hiring


Some potential sources of jobs include the following. Try a Google search like “Amazon jobs Boston” or “CVS jobs Boston” or use the company job links below.

Amazon Jobs  

CVS Jobs

UPS Jobs  

FEDEX Jobs  

Target Jobs


Partners in Health is looking to rapidly hire up to 1,000 COVID-19 tracers for the program, starting at $25/hr. Here is more information about these jobs that allow you to work from home and require a high school diploma or equivalency.


Massachusetts COVID-19 unemployment information / Información de desempleo de Massachusetts sobre el virus COVID-19   

Unemployment Assistance Contact forms (multiple languages)

If you are filing a new claim for benefits related to COVID-19.

Employee Frequently Asked Questions

Includes unemployment assistance information when quarantined or on reduced hours due to the  COVID-19 crisis.

Employer Frequently Asked Questions related to COVID-19


Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) provides up to 39 weeks of unemployment benefits to individuals who are unable to work because of a COVID-19-related reason but are not eligible for regular or extended unemployment benefits. 

PUA is a program open to the following individuals:

  • Self-employed individuals, including gig workers, freelancers, and independent contractors

  • Those seeking part-time employment

  • Claimants that have an insufficient work history to qualify for benefits

  • And claimants that have been laid off from churches and religious institutions and are not eligible for benefits under state law

COVID-19 & Churches: Essential Needs & Volunteer Coordination


Last updated May 13, 2020.

COVID-19 & Churches:

Essential Needs &

Volunteer Coordination

Essential needs


Project Bread food resources guide

Information on Free Meals for Kids and Teens, Meals on Wheels, Food Pantries, and Project Bread's FoodSource Hotline  1-800-645-8333 (Monday-Friday: 8am-7pm & Saturday: 10am-2pm).

If you are unemployed because of COVID-19, you can apply for SNAP food benefits.

Some students’ families can receive Pandemic EBT cards to use for groceries.

Statewide list of food pantries & resources, by city & area

Food pantries and meal sites provide food directly to individuals, but food banks listed do not distribute food directly to individuals. Given the Pandemic, be sure to call to confirm information.

The Greater Boston Food Bank

Supplies food pantries and other programs providing food around greater Boston. They are in need of extra volunteers and financial donations.

If someone you know needs food, you can find locations of food pantry partners by entering the zip code on this webpage with map.

Food Resource Locations in Boston

Map and lists, including food pantries, free meal pick up sites for all youth and teens, free meal pick up sites for adults, and “Soup kitchens.” Call sites to confirm times and other current  information.

Call (617) 635-3717 or

Catalina Lopez-Ospina at (617) 635-2841

Free breakfast and lunch meals are available to all Boston children and youth while Boston Public Schools are closed.

Ethos - Meals for Older Adults (60+)

Ethos is providing meals for older adults through its Meals on Wheels program (617)- 477-6606 or take out meals available at their Community Cafe sites throughout the city.


Lawyers for Civil Rights

Provides information in English and Spanish on:

  • employment and unemployment issues

  • immigration concerns

  • housing issues like the eviction moratorium and utility bills

  • health insurance

  • cash assistance

  • and more

h o u s i n g

State Initiatives to help Renters  - Eviction Prevention and RAFT housing assistanceFrom the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development

Freeze and Moratorium on Evictions 

On April 20, 2020, Governor Baker signed into law legislation that imposes a temporary moratorium on evictions that goes beyond previous DHCD guidance. See web links for details.

Residential Assistance for Families in Transition

The RAFT program helps keep households in stable housing situations when facing eviction, foreclosure, loss of utilities, and other housing emergencies caused by loss of income, increase in expenses, or both. RAFT assists households of all sizes and configurations with financial assistance up to $4,000 per household to help preserve current housing or move to new housing. 

In Greater Boston, RAFT is administered by Metro Housing|Boston.



Boston Hope Medical Center

Mayor Walsh  would like to call attention to the need for healthcare providers, especially at the new Boston Hope Medical Center (at the Convention Center). Click HERE for more information on these jobs. Free accommodations and meals are provided. Please share with your networks and congregations.

MA Responds

Public health, health care, and emergency response volunteers can register to volunteer at MA Responds.  


Boston Public Schools

Pack & deliver food for BPS students and families.


Black Ministerial Alliance

The BMA resource webpage  includes a wide variety of basic information including  food distribution centers;  testing sites; information for tenants, homeowners, & landlords; information on financial assistance; legal assistance; and internet access.

Mass Council of Churches

MCC is gathering info from churches across the state with this form to learn what communities need and how churches can help.

Boston Cares

Boston Cares is coordinating volunteer opportunities such as packing and distributing meal for Boston Public School students at the distribution sites (schools). Click on the schools and then the specific days to find needs.

For other volunteer opportunities related to the Boston Public Schools, contact Miriam Rubin at mrubin2@bostonpublicschools.org. For donations of goods and services, contact Margaret Farmer (978) 729-7771 / mfarmer2@bostonpublicschools.org.

Neighborhood & Community Mutual Aid Networks

Communities sharing needs and serving neighbors in very practical ways.


The Coronavirus Epidemic in Boston: Here’s How Christians Can Respond, from Unite Boston


Faith Tech Christian Hackathon for COVID 19 Innovative Solutions

Between March 28th and April 4th, Faith Tech hosted an online Hackathon, unrestricted by geography and location. They built technological solutions to the problems local churches across the world are now facing. Check out the winning projects.



COVID-19 & Churches: Self Care & Mental Health

Last Updated May 1, 2020


COVID-19 & Churches: Self-Care & Mental Health


Resources on Depression, Anxiety and Counseling

Depression and Anxiety: symptoms and suggestions; Crisis hotlines; Christian counseling resources; and a teaching series, Jesus + My Mental Health. Compiled by Reunion Church.

Coping with Coronavirus Webinars

Dealing with daily stress, anxiety, and a range of other emotions. A series of four video webinars from Harvard Medical School by Dr. Luana Marques. Regulating emotions and building resiliency in the face of a pandemic.

CDC on Stress & Coping

The CDC web page on Daily Life and Coping has good general information on dealing with the mental strains and stress of the pandemic under the sub-section “Stress and Coping.”  It includes helpful information on how different people and age groups respond to stress and how to help reduce stress and anxiety for yourself, children, teens, first responders and those coming out of quarantine.


Resources from Harvard Cru Staff Tammy and Pat McLeod, authors of Hit Hard.

Understanding & Help for Ambiguous Loss

Biblical & Theological Resources & Spiritual Practices for Ambiguous Loss

Conversations on Ambiguous Loss in a Pandemic

Contributions from Pat and Tammy McLeod, Harvard Chaplains for Cru, and Ron and Bonnie Sanders, Campus Ministers for Cru at Stanford.


Corey Johnson Program - “Can We Talk” Conference Call

Experiencing stress or trauma during the coronavirus? “Can We Talk” is a weekly conference call every Thursday night, open to all.

Conference Call Line Instructions for CAN WE TALK:

Step #1: Dial: 1-929-436-2866

Step #2: Enter Meeting ID: 887995182#

Step #3: Press # to join the call. (There is no Participant ID)


Youper App

The free Youper app is helpful for taking a moment to yourself, saying how you feel, and connecting those feelings to what’s happening in your life. This simple act alone helps to right-size your feelings so you can take positive action. With Premium features, the app also asks you questions to help you explore, gain insight, reframe your thinking, and take positive steps. - Jess Mason, M.Div., EGC Applied Research & Consulting

COVID-19 & the Church: Leadership in Crisis & Change

Last Updated August 14, 2020


COVID-19 & the Church: Leadership in Crisis & Change

Church Leadership

9 Leadership Principles from an Interim Pastor to Get You Through a Crisis (Like COVID-19) - David Miles of Vital Church Ministry

COVID-19 Toolkit for Nonprofits and Ministries - a course from City Vision University

The course is designed to train leaders at nonprofits, NGOs and ministries on how to respond to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic effectively and adapt to the financial crisis. This course builds on City Vision's experience working with thousands of nonprofits, NGOs and ministries in the past 20 years. We have also been curating the best COVID-19 resources and training from some of the best sources in the world.

Some of the other material covered includes:

  • Nonprofit Government Grants, Loans, CARES Act & Other Legislation

  • How to Maintain Healthy Relationships and Organizations in a Remote Work Environment

  • Resources for Homeless Shelters & Organizations Serving High-Risk Clients During COVID-19

  • COVID-19 Planning Toolkit for Nonprofit Leaders & Boards

  • COVID-19 Nonprofit Fundraising Toolkit

  • Leading through a Crisis, by John Maxwell

  • Nonprofit Board Resources, Risk Management, HR & Legal Guidance

Non-Profit Leadership

Online Courses for Nonprofit and Ministry Leaders - free online courses from City Vision University