Grove Hall Neighborhood Study

Grove Hall Neighborhood Study

This summary of a larger study offers both story and statistics on life and culture in one Boston neighborhood. Following a brief history of the area, the study offers data on racial trends, economy, housing, education and more.

Hidden Treasures: Celebrating Ministries to the Nations

Hidden Treasures: Celebrating Ministries to the Nations

A practical guide to encourage, inspire, and inform churches how to organize and plan an intercultural ministry event in their city.

Perspectives on Boston Church Statistics: Is Greater Boston Really Only 2% Evangelical?

Perspectives on Boston Church Statistics: Is Greater Boston Really Only 2% Evangelical?

A frank look at the sources, accuracy, limitations, and weaknesses of some commonly used church statistics in Boston. As convenient and convincing as statistics are, they can be misunderstood, misapplied, and generate misinformation.

Christian Engagement with Muslims in the United States

Christian Engagement with Muslims in the United States

Listen in on a video conversation on Christian engagement with Muslims in the U.S. where panelists talk about positive and objectionable interactions Christians may have with our Muslim neighbors.

The Boston Education Collaborative's Partnership with Boston Public Schools

The Boston Education Collaborative's Partnership with Boston Public Schools

Church-school partnerships. Do they work? Is it a win-win for both parties? Learn about how EGC’s Boston Education Collaborative is having success matching churches with local schools. And find out more about the other work of the BEC to help encourage and equip Christian leaders in Boston who work in educational settings.

The Process of the Gospel

The Process of the Gospel

The Process of the Gospel is not a program, but a model for building relationships that nurture effective, incarnational ministry, helping people experience the presence and power of Jesus Christ for themselves. By internalizing this process, Christians can be involved in loving people in some of the same ways that Jesus modeled for us in the Gospels.

Developing Safe Environments for Learning and Transformation

Developing Safe Environments for Learning and Transformation

Do you want to see transformation in your organization? You might want to give some thought to the importance of creating a safe environment, where your team can learn together to trust, practice confidentiality, become good listeners, stop judging, and develop a culture of patience, forgiveness, and celebrating the best in one another.

Shared Worship Space - An Urban Challenge and a Kingdom Opportunity

Shared Worship Space - An Urban Challenge and a Kingdom Opportunity

Thinking of sharing space with another congregation? Before you do, read this. You may be facing an unexpected challenge, but an opportunity for growth, maturity, and increased unity among followers of Jesus Christ. With limited meeting space in some of our cities, how do churches who practice their faith in different ways gather under the same roof and learn to love each other?

Let's Do It! Multiplying Churches in Boston Now

God’s intent is that everyone living in Greater Boston be enthusiastically and holistically engaged in a community of vibrant Christian faith. The best way to make that happen right now, in 2012, is by church planting—apostolic-led church planting. That is the story of the Book of Acts and it is the story of Christian history ever since.

Diakonia, the Church at Work

Do you want to see the Church at work? This little book by Rev. Ralph Kee, veteran church planter in Boston, helps us get a handle on what the Bible calls “diakonia” and what we call “the deaconate.” Diakonia, we will discover, is much more than just a religious word. Diakonia moves us quickly from words to action, for it is, in fact, the life of service the church carries out in the world. In our day, as in Jesus’ day, as in the Apostle Paul’s day, diakonia carried out in the power of the Holy Spirit is still absolutely critical to the work of a credible church.

Sol's Story: Come to Boston Brother! We Need You!

“In June of 1972, I was discouraged because a year had gone by since I had graduated from seminary, and I hadn’t raised a penny to go back to Haiti, which had been my goal. So after preaching at a church in New York City, two ladies asked me whether they could join my wife and me for a night of prayer.